
I liked him in this so kinda sad he's not going to continue

Tom as Harry's delivery of "…. Indiana .." made me laugh so much. As much as I love HR ("man is he gonna be pissed") my fave Wells is def still Harry. His snark is perfect.

Oh yeah we like Julian. Just the type of sarcastic ass hole this show needs

Yeah this is what I was thinking! Goodness sake Cait, just get us outta here!

This episode made me active dislike Gus and root for Mickey. That clingy girl comment made me want to punch him in his actual face

I think the greatest success of this show is making us both love & hate Rebecca at the same time. She drives me crazy with her Josh stuff and her selfishness….but I still want to see her happy & settled. Weird.

Harry's back! Snarky digs between him & Cisco ASAP please thank you.

Yeah they stuck the ending. Loved it consistantly pretty much until this episode.

It's one of my favourite things about the book-a little hiya to Richie & Bev :) loved it!

The ending was very Shawshank in nature, sweeping music, a broken man, pouring rain….great stuff

No, ur alright

I kinda wish we were just focusing on the Punisher/Conspiracy storyline instead of the Elektra stuff. She is very uninteresting to me for some reason.

I do not like this version of Elektra, the actress playing her is awful!

Thanks u that's was driving me nuts trying to think where I knew him from lol

Karen was plain out & out stupid going to house of a guy suspected of being a mass muderer on her own. Seriously, how ridiculously dumb! And Karen's not dumb!

I'm not an Olicity fan but glad to see them both smiling at the end of the season.