
I spent all day in a mechanic's waiting room, which gave me the opportunity to finally sit down and read a good chunk of All the Birds in the Sky without distractions or interruptions. Because up until now, I've been going a chapter per day whenever I can squeeze it in.

I spent all morning in the mechanic's waiting room only to be told that there's nothing they can do for my car today, but if I don't get something done soon then the wheels could lock up on the interstate and then it's all fucked.

I love the series and I agree entirely. Logan's dad was right and Rory just indulged the person she's been for the entire show.

I got my PS4 only a week after PT was removed from PSN entirely.
Every reminder is a kick in a gut.

If you watch the news though, you'd be forgiven for thinking that we're already living in a daily Purge.

On the other end of things, a lady at the grocery store offered to let me go ahead of her in line and then remarked "despite the fact that you have a Bernie hoodie on" and then spent the whole time, while I was paying, telling me why she's voting for Trump and how much she hates Hillary.

You hear that Russia? We're counting on you to kick our ass!

I'm adopted, so mine was taken from me.

Fuller House was okay enough if you were even remotely interested in the original. But Jodie Sweetin was the primary reason that I watched all the episodes. Yowza.

The future is here. And it's about a hundred feet above the Arby's.

You like Facebook for that reason?!

I love Iron Man 3. But then, I also think Shane Black should write everything RDJ says in every movie.

Ok but what about interspecies coupling?

From what I've seen recently, it's We Bare Bears porn.

I watched the first couple episodes of Fuller House last night and I've been watching a couple more tonight. It's not good, but it's also on par with the original Full House, which means that it's enjoyable enough in a weird cheesy tone-deaf sort of way.

So you're saying you won't respect his authorit-ah?

Fuller House
F: Steph
K: Kimmy

My erection for this is as constant as the northern star!

This shit should be 99 cents.

And about your comment on superhero movies taking themselves too seriously, as time goes on I find myself having more and more fun watching Forever and and Robin despite their total lack of any actual.. craft.