
He won’t get life in prison as he wasn’t found guilty of the most serious charges. He will be out in 15 years with good behavior

I voted for Trump and come here every day exactly for stuff like this. Never ceases to make me lol

I voted for Trump, and I’ve gotta say your tears are still oh so delicious to this day. I can’t believe I haven’t gotten sick of them yet

So then shouldn’t this article be titled “piss off people who constantly cover Tebow” ?


LOL that was cute. And being a war hawk that voted for Iraq who has literally killed people wasn’t a deal breaker for you.

LOL at the thought of the left getting angry and actually doing something about. I mean, seriously fucking LOL. You fucking dolts are losers of such epic proportion. Your widdle rallies are adorable though....

Um, that goes both ways ya know

Mmmmmm salty deadspin tears. I mean, the ribs I had at my super bowl party were delicious, but they are nothing compared to deadspin tears. I want to eat them until I vomit, and then eat my vomit

I could eat only them for the rest of my life. Im like a dog right now that could eat so much deadspin tears until I vomit them all up, then just eat my vomit

Oh yeah, nothing says privelage like being drafted in the 6th round


That’s one of the funniest things I’ve eve read, since dipshit liberals favorite thing in the world is to claim the right is uneducated, as though their bachelors in communications makes them some kind of genius. No, I don’t gnash my teeth at all, I just laugh right in your stupid fucking face, knowing full well you

That’s actually the live look at liberals trying to figure out how this can be spinned into a bad thing that totally means trump is hitler

LOL no. I’d rather light my money on fire

Fucking LOL so much at all the faux angry reponses so far.

Lol this is just too fucking adorable. I voted for Trump, and I’m a way better, nicer, and useful person than you. That is all. Carry on!

Bahahahaha wow you are one miserable piece of fucking shit. You just jealous because you worked the same shift and missed out on that nice tip?

You say his piece is free from any consideration Trump has done bad, then proceed to scream that everything he’s done so far has been bad. Lol ok fuckface.

GWB did have a conscious you moron