loose seal no.2

I feel like Cougar Town's reincarnation on TBS was still pretty good, but it still has the crappy name, and hasn't had a new episode since April, and people just totally forgot about it.

I feel like I'm as open to sketch comedy in general as the next guy, but man this just sounds awful.

Probably my favorite was Scott's spoof on the Conan style dance moves when he first came out.

Well, either the magician did that too while he was there, or the couch has always been able to talk.

Ah you're right. I was really just trying for another furniture-based pun. Criticizing Sir Couchly was just a means to an end table.

Sir Couchly really needs to learn how to use a dust cover.

Oh dear.

I had no idea this or anything like it existed until I just happened upon one of the early chapters (and kept watching for a while) on MTV or VH1 or something several years ago.

I, Claudius brings back some memories, as I actually watched the entirety of it in a Latin 2 class in high school in 20-30 minute blocks over like a semester. My 16 year old self enjoyed it plenty, altho I'm sure the raciness and nudity contributed plenty to that. "So that guy just ateā€¦. woah."

Well now they'll need to re-name that movie Scott was in.

Oh man, is this the alternate reality where, whenever I miss a show, I choose to complain about not knowing when and where it airs in av club comments instead of doing a quick google search to figure out this information?