
Like athletes that bring in money to a school, child actors, child faux artists, and child reality tv-YouTube poseur trash get plum deals at their rich private schools.

Excellent reminder!!  I’ll go notify my notorious dumpster-diving ‘friend’!

For a city with out of control housing costs and lack of supply, this sounds like a great use of space.

If you watched the show, the Cylon Skin Jobs were hackers that tricked a scientist with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (formerly known on Gawker weekly reviews as Dr. Jesus-Face) using his need for sex into giving up the source code.

Oh my! The show’s production value wasn’t always that great but the writing was at first good then became great as the seasons progressed. John Crichton had some great one-liner zingers that were topical yet fitting for the story.

For all of its flaws, I loved this show and miss how thrilling it was to watch new episodes. When I see an old landline telephone receiver, I still like to hold it upside down and yell “JUMP!!!”.

I am late to the Game, as it is, and am now just watching GoT for the first time. I just saw this episode and saw a complete shift of the story into the Lord of the Rings-sorcery/magic territory. This makes the show more interesting, in my opinion, because prior to the episode GoT just felt like playing a game of Risk

Thanks. Yes, I am familiar with that school and although I did not go there, but my high school is in the same category and also catered to child actors and kids of bad TV show or movie stars.

As someone who probably attended one of elite high schools in the Los Angeles city region, I’m dying to know the name of the high school that these twits attended.  Does anyone know?

If there is any silver lining from the Olivia Jade humiliation is that maybe, JUST MAYBE, more teens and young adults will think twice before splattering their lives online. I hope many parents use this as a cautionary tale not only for their own behavior but as a lesson to kids to live their lives offline.  It

I have a relative that had similar sentiments as a child with those espoused by a young Stacey Abrams. Not so sure a kid with that much narcissism is indicative of a personality trait we should continue to desire in a president.

The Regal Beagle or Joe’s Bar on the Galactica.  

We’ll always have money in the Banana Stand....oh wait.....no we don’t.

Back in the good old Blockshopper days you could look up property owned in Los Angeles County by the name on the title. I once found a home owned by Huffman and Macy, and it was in the Los Feliz neighborhood.

I also remember when she made these claims in 1993, and from what I recall she labeled Michael a “pederast”. I remember that word specifically because I looked up the definition in....gasp!.....an actual dictionary book. I didn’t have the interwebs then (but was in my 20s so I am one of the olds).

I sure hope so.  They were accepted due to fraudulent credentials, and even if the kids didn’t know about their parents’ fraud they do not qualify to be students.

Growing up in Los Angeles among privileged, spoiled kids that were either “in the industry” or had parents “in the industry”, this should not surprise me or make me as angry as I am right now.

This show was not good with the exception of Rosie O’Donnell’s acting. I’m sure a lot of people will disagree with me, but I always thought Rosie was a great actress and she definitely illustrated serious acting chops on The Show with a Terrible Name. I’m glad it was canceled.

Why not just recommend Garland’s Star is Born?  It’s the far superior version of all 4.

Agreed. When that blonde thing won and the stupid old white man writer movie won, the Oscars went full-tilt Milli Vanilli. I haven’t seen the Oscars the same since.