History will NOT show anything resembling kindness on all of these lying Trump fuckwads. History will, however, lesson Nixon’s stench after all of this is over and the torrent of insider books start to come out.
History will NOT show anything resembling kindness on all of these lying Trump fuckwads. History will, however, lesson Nixon’s stench after all of this is over and the torrent of insider books start to come out.
NO. I wrote it.
This is exciting for MA. I’m thinking (hoping) that Pressley’s candidacy would make Abagail Adams proud.
Agreed. I grew up and live in Southern CA and ordered from them only once in high school. The fries were limp, greasy shit sticks and the hamburgers were nothing special. I really don’t see the attraction to wiggly, greasy food unless you have a mad hangover.
In-n-Out prints “John 3:16" on the bottom of every drink cup and you are just now surprised that they are right wing nut jobs?
Maybe I should have put /s on my post so people like you would get it.
Testosterone and guns should never go together.
My cat is too friendly to humans. I have to be careful when the cable guy or plumber comes to my house. She will want to see what they are doing and get right next to them and expect to get attention. She’s a very confident cat, almost too confident.
Terry Crews Terry Crews Terry Crews.
Chow Yun-fat in The Killer....oh get me my smelling salts. I also had a huge crush on Jet Li way back in the Once Upon a Time in China (parts 1 & 2) days. Golden Harvest Productions sure knew how to make Asian men sex symbols.
Hey now.....Chris Pine is the ONLY relevant Chris actor out there.
Wait......Rita Moreno is being sued by a Nimrod?
OMG, it’s the Montauk Monster!
Well, I hope the death of Allison will hopefully mean that this is the last season. The show lost it last year with Noah’s delusions that somehow went completely unexplained and not mentioned at all this season. This season brought back the he said/she said format, which I enjoy, but killing off the main character…
Not getting laid and feeling entitled is usually how these twats get that way.
Comment of the day.
Oh, yes. This is the video that changed a lot. Good call.
It doesn’t make sense what Jennifer Garner is doing. Determining child custody is a separate action than a bifurcation and settlement of property. But Ben could push for the bifurcation and settlement if he really wanted to, but it doesn’t look like he’s in any condition to take care of his issues.
Yes, it is hard to understand why people don’t see the blaring hypocrisy that the Catholic Church could liquidate just a few of its property holdings and other valuable items to feed the poor in countries that keep having kids because Vatican II.
Fuck you AMC.