
Horizon Zero Dawn.

God damn. If he’s a lousy boyfriend, then he ought to get dumped, not stabbed to bloody death.

I thought it worked for this one. I didn’t want a new quest or mini-event (fortress to clear, etc) every 100 feet. I love the hell out of Witcher 3, but the sheer number of things to find and do completely derails any urgency. In HZD, between the cities, towns, ruins, climbing puzzles, and crucibles, it’s just you

What still blows me away about HZD is how fleshed out the world and story is. It was the first game where I actually wanted to actively go and find the audio logs because they were so damn good. The set in Frozen Wilds about the two girls who formed a band as everything shut down around them damn near made me tear up.

The groupthink has already made up its mind about this. The answer is no. Groupthink is offended by this on behalf of whatever ethnic group is up for debate and absolutely does not give a shit what the ethnic group in question thinks about it. Dr. Who can be a woman, James Bond can be black but Altered Carbon is

Aaaaand we’re back to this talk. Japanese people seem to enjoy white actors on anime roles because they look more like the characters (for instance, ScarJo as Major was popular in Japan, even approved by the mangaka), why do Americans tend to become offended on behalf of people that are not offended? As a Mexican,

Except in the first episode Kayaba changed all the avatars to look like the players’ real faces.Everyone’s hair matches how they look irl. 

You’re basically ‘#AllLivesMatter’ing my statement. You clearly do not understand the meaning of that phrase. Obviously we need to learn from history. That’s not what I’m referring to. For example, by today’s standards smoking is clearly unhealthy. However, to call the people in 1775 idiots for smoking, is pretty

The nerfs to Mercy are getting ridiculous. Why is it not overpowered that Junkrat and Dva have an ult that can wipe out an entire team instantly but you have a healer that can rez one or two, with her already shell of its former self ult, and people lose their marbles.

The thing is, you never know who might become a critical part of your life in the future. You pay money to take care of the health problems of a stranger, and that stranger just might someday become someone important to your life and happiness.

short-sightedness of it

I’ve spoken on this before but:

One of the biggest failings of Mass Effect 3's ending (which they eventually semicorrected with the citadel DLC) was a complete failure to recognize the player’s emotional investment and attachment to its own lore.

The writer’s seemed to perceive that we would care about Earth

I’d argue the Normandy is a great “hub world” as well.

Also, my guess is that NotShinji is actually riding bitch and NotAsuka’s in control and there’ll be a whole “manhood” thing going on, but who knows...

“In many of her other videos, she’s wearing a sweater or a t-shirt, and when she’s not, she’s had to point out to viewers that she has boobs and she can’t just hide them all the time.”

If you see any dudes streaming with a camera aimed at their banana hammock, advertising their private patreon where you can get a peak underneath and their channel advertises nsfw chat then be my guest. There are women who get unfairly harrassed AND there are women who try their hardest to do a softcore porn show for

OK, no one is “asking for it” nor should that ever be an excuse for deplorable behavior. However, let’s also not stick our head in the sand and play dumb. Sex sells and, yeah, sometimes streamers are intentionally using that to gain viewers.

Mass Effect died for this.

I recall Jim Sterling giving HZD a better score than Zelda, and all hell broke loose. It’s really sad when players don’t realize you can enjoy BOTH games... or neither, if that’s your thing.

In other words... “Filthy casuals?”