
Considering that probably nobody got paid at all to do this and it was a project of passion, I’m not exactly sure what you were expecting.

Read post about Fallout ‘76, gets sad. Reads this and feel like some sort of redemption in the world. 

I agree. Looks far more interesting than 76 and is an actual, proper single-player Fallout game, which even connects the dots between F2 and New Vegas.

Damn. I wish the mod support was compatible with the backwards compatible version of new Vegas for XBone...

No, I’m just curious. There is no publication deadline like there would be with say a magazine or newspaper....if this post came out 30 minutes later it wouldn’t matter...so just curious what time lines Kotaku imposes on companies to ‘get back to them’.... Basically they could just say:

So, full disclosure, I bought the XP/Drachmae booster largely because I read a lot of articles about unnecessary ‘grind’. This was a mistake. I’m gaining XP way too quickly and it’s really detracting from the gaming experience. To give you an example, I’ve just entered an area that (as I’ve read) suggests that you

You have written other reviews though, right?  And didn’t raise the question in those?  It’s a pretty odd thing to just surmise about for this game specifically.  Also, the assumption that because a game is bigger it must have required more work is faulty - that doesn’t mean it required more work from each individual

I have to say, as scary as as all this stuff can be, I’m really starting to tire of headlines that say we should be afraid, or terrified, or stuff along those lines. We shouldn’t be afraid. We should be outraged. Terrified people aren’t generally inclined to fight back, which is something that needs doing a lot more

A grown man who just wants to be loved and adored by everyone. Thing is, those that do love and adore him are the wrong people.

Not even all of the media outlets that identify as conservative praise him (and attack his enemies) the way Fox “News” (aka Trump TV, aka state media) and the fringe outlets do. The Weekly Standard, run by Never Trumper Bill Kristol, is routinely critical of him. And The Wall Street Journal may be owned by Rupert

87% of statistics are made up anyways.

I didn’t think he used computers. Are we sure he’s the most qualified person to investigate this sort of thing?

He didn’t calculate it, just like he didn’t notice it was a “problem.” He saw the story about it on TV, and started tweeting. Just like normal. 

No, he knows exactly how Google Search results works, and that’s why he wants it changed.

This is easy to mock, but I think what Trump is really hoping to do is bully Google into tweaking their algorithms to push more pro-Trump news. Look what they’ve been able to do to Twitter and Facebook. 


I’m skeptical that he didn’t need someone else to read the results out loud to him, forget about him getting to the point of having to do basic math.  

96% of... Google search results for “Trump News”’

Read the comments, you fat fuck. Look at all these people talking about you. You want to know what they’re saying, right? Cross the event horizon, I dare you. Go down the rabbit hole.

It’s interesting that when these companies finally start to crack down on actual fake news and propaganda, Trump wants to step in and make sure the fake news is on the forefront.