
Personally speaking, and I don’t mean to rile anyone up who may become offended (as this is not a personal attack on you, but rather a series you for some reason put faith into), the Malazan Empire series is vastly overrated. Both in writing ability, and in story. Honestly, the characters as a whole have about as

Man, BLESS you for saying that. I feel like everyone is taking crazy pills with their love of Name of the Wind. I remember reading the back of the book and all the stuff the narrator mentioned sounded AMAZING. After finishing book 2, I re-read the back of book 1 and thought, “oh..all of that happened.” The major

If The Cheesecake Factory proudly proclaimed they did not respect MAGA hats I’d be so angry that I’d make a point of eating there and knowing full well I’d hate it just like the last time.

If you’re wearing a fricking maga hat, and you’re looking for a pat on that pointed head and almost certainly some sort of confrontation. It sounds like the maga idiot is getting both. Have fun with that, Sparky!

It’s interesting how conservatives don’t care about people’s feeling, and then suddenly gush blood from their assholes the moment their feelings are hurt.

That also makes him stupid, because Trump and his merry band of racist goons would not hesitate to send his ass back to Haiti.

If I owned a bar or a coffee shop, I’d stage something like this just to keep the riff raff away.

The Cheesecake Factory should proudly make this boast in their commercials.

1 - It almost for sure didn’t happen. Maga idiots love acting persecuted and their relationship with reality is tenuous at best. 2- If you are a maga idiot you deserve a lot worse than a mocking. 3- If you are a black maga idiot you doubly deserve it. Might as well join the kkk while you are at it.

Yeah, in one of my classes this semester, we were discussing the ethics of prohibiting hate speech on college campuses. One of my students started talking about how he’s been subject to hate speech because he’ll sometimes wear a MAGA hat around campus. A couple black students rolled their eyes, but everybody (me

See, I’m a gentleman. If I see someone in a MAGA hat out in public, and I have one in the chamber, I walk by them and gently fart.

Obviously he shouldn’t have been harassed but I don’t have a lot of sympathy for people who flaunt their political leanings in public when they know it’s gonna get reactions from people. And the election was two years ago, dude.

It’s not a hat. It’s a pointy white hood that looks like a hat.

So this boycott means, that at least in the near future, I’m marginally less likely to encounter Trump supporters at the Cheesecake Factory ? Holy shit, I never thought I’d find an upside to eating there !


“We apologize for that, sir. It won’t happen again.

I was on a cruise ship shortly after the election, and this suburban dad & Stepford wife with two kids walked into the dining room. The son wore MAGA/Trump-Pence-2016 logowear top to bottom - hat, shirt, pants, even shoes. (I have no idea where one would even procure these items). It was bright and colorful, and the

Typical right wing pussy.

can I get a reservation for Friday around 8:00PM for 4 people?

I’ve been boycotting the Cheesecake Factory for years because their food is garbage. My cause is far better than theirs.