
He was with her (Mary Austin) for 6 years before he came out as gay, remained close to her his entire life, and he left everything ($$$) to her when he died. She was incredibly important to him, it only makes sense that she’s a big part of his story...

Rooting for Rami, but so far the trailer’s giving me Ray vibes.

I quite liked the original but I still think there’s acres of potential for a game that does the whole scavenging / adding crud to your vehicle thing a la Mad Max (but with slightly less rigid upgrade parameters). I think excessive amounts of ‘go here, get that, give it to me’ quests made the original into a grind but

I really should get around to playing Rage because it’s hard to imagine how a sequel by them might turn out, given that the first game was in first person. I guess you could say I need to get some perspective on it.

Fascinating. Hated that trailer but love Avalanche. My real question is... which engine did they use? idTech isnt great at open world games. But giant spaces is Avalanche’s expertise. And i am glad that Bethesda found a dev that was doing Mad Max better than Rage was. This seems like a good deal. Avalanche can reuse a

And the engine was fantastic! I played it on the PS3 and everything was so silky, it was a nearly rock-solid 60fps.

Yeah, a bunch of Mad Max cosplayers and one Tank Girl get together and stick their tongues out at a camera with a greenscreen backdrop.

The first RAGE was such a hidden gem for me. I LOVED it. The end was a little lackluster but the game as a whole just felt great. It also had one of my favorite easter eggs ever - the hidden room covered in the names of the devs with a perspective-based statue in the middle that made the id logo.

LOL, thank you. Publushers should NEVER use a reveal trailer for a freaking video game as a live-action dress-up opportunity. What the hell, Bethesda? This trailer did nothing.

Well that was.......terrible.

I really didn’t think anyone enjoyed the first one, but there seems to be at least 3 of you! So good!

Sweet! The first one had some issues, but i quite enjoyed it, despite those. Here’s hoping this fixes those and makes a stronger overall experience.

Good! The first game wasn’t that bad, it just had a terrible fall-flat ending and I think the PC launch might have drained it’s hype. The guns were great, the combat was great, and the co-op was really, really awesome. Hopefully the sequel is more polished.

I can’t be the only one who’s thought of this right?

Because someone had to...

(no idea why the image didn’t upload as it should)

The worst part is the well is already poisoned by these racist incel nerds. Any episode, any plot, any character, any *SCENE* that is even perceived as being bad or not great will be pointed to as the fault of the diverse writers or a woman or a person of colour. “See!? They ruined it. We were right!”

1) Twitter is often a terrible place online.
2) She seems to try to make it a better one.