Well, would you look at that? He did something wrong and asshole-y, but because he actually took responsibility for his actions and apologized, I don’t feel he’s a bad person and I feel like forgiving him. If only more people did like him.
Well, would you look at that? He did something wrong and asshole-y, but because he actually took responsibility for his actions and apologized, I don’t feel he’s a bad person and I feel like forgiving him. If only more people did like him.
It’s even more laughable when you know anything about the history of Battletech; even the early pen&paper iterations tended to be more diverse & inclusive than many other games of the time.
Wait... is this a joke, or some sort of bug? This article is supposed to be about some D&D monster, but then it shows a picture of the president.
SJW’s are simultaneously weak willed pussies and master manipulators and intimidating to these people. I wish they would stop the smokescreens and just flat out say “I want this GALAXY of human civilization to be 99.5% pretty white people.”
Haha there are a ton of those shitty post on the BT page. My favorites are when a poster perceives “SJW” meddling. Go on the screed about how SJWs are bad because they are making the devs change the game... Then they follow up by telling the Devs need to go in and change game back as if there was a non SJW version…
From what I’ve seen some of the shorter “reviews” where there are thousands of hours logged and the review is curt and absent of real critique tend to be attempts at jokes. Some will keep a free to play game’s launcher up. Accrue the hours.
I read a negative review for Battletech that was like 5 paragraphs of the guy blasting the game because theres a muslim npc in the game and that shes fat. He also deduced that another npc was homosexual because of his clothes. Hes 100% sure this insidious plot is the work the lead dev because shes a vocal “SJW” on…
... if not for those non-native English speakers, it’d probably be lower? :D
He’s going about this ALL wrong. What he needs to do is deny all wrongdoing, seek out anyone talking ill of his name and threaten to sue! The money flows in from this method.
What person in their right mind, would apologize and put all the blame on their own actions???
The language skills employed in reviews had a “median readability level” equivalent to an American 8th grader. Which, I’ll be honest, is a lot higher than I was expecting.
Also, (pushes up glasses) the next book isn’t an adventure, it’s just a content supplement with DM and player options. There’s no adventure in it.
Charisma now means more than just how well it gets along with others, it also means willpower. And as a ridiculously powerful demon, it’s got willpower to spare.
Exactly. I have nothing against cursing in general, but I feel like it’s something most self-confident, mature adults should not need to rely on and use constantly. Cursing is very similar to smoking and drinking - it’s something you try to do as much as possible when you’re younger because you want to feel grown-up.…
I had to stop watching Summit, to me if you can’t formulate a thought without using the F word as a rest word before each word I’m out. I’m not against cursing but I have a fine line where it starts to annoys me.
No, I’m talking about people having a fit about someone cursing less.
Newsflash: if he’s making the decision for himself, it’s 100% him being him. He has chosen that this is who he is or wants to be. That’s not being disingenuous, that’s maturing/growing/evolving as a person and a brand.
Man, Gilchrist’s Nancy was the fucking worst. Lazy treacly nonsense with more “Hey, remember this?” non-jokes than Robot Chicken. I’m glad Jaimes is aiming more for something like Bushmiller’s minimalist weirdness but with her own style.
Do you have to do that HERE?
Last year after about 3 months of owning my Switch, it got stolen at an arcade. I played about 60 hours of Breath of the Wild and had plenty of hours logged into Binding of Isaac, Arms and Mario Kart.