
Unfortunately, now that Jason has posted something about it, it’s either delayed or canceled, so now you will have to listen to you co-worker flip out about THAT for months.

The article over at Gamespot suggested that the controls will be updated, which I have to say is the most exciting part of this. I do not miss games that used the shoulder buttons for rotating the camera.

If the leak date is true, I’m not sure how it’s going to survive the onslaught of DQXI, Spiderman, and TR.

I’ve been playing my personal favorite, Call of C’thulhu since the 80's and I love RPG’ing as a hobby. I would HIGHLY recommend that folks check out the /RPG subreddit, or, look for a subreddit for their own favorite RPG or one that they have questions on; folks are remarkably helpful there.

I’ve been attacked by and killed more mountain lions than actually exist in the real world. And what’s up with the angry eagles?

I’m genuinely convinced that Benny Hill makes everything better.

I can’t take a leisurely walk through that game. I run into white trucks, bliss, white trucks, animals, white trucks, zombies, white trucks, peggies, white trucks, helicopters, white trucks. Did I mention they bought out Toyota’s supply of white trucks?

It’s a shame so much of the reception of this game and whether it’s “good” seems to be down to whether it takes a stance on US politics as though that’s a thing all games must do now.

You have to admit, the fact that this was a fight over a video game (a medium where the solution to all your problems is nearly always a weapon) is pretty ironic.

Holy crap... the fact that a nine years old even thought of getting a gun to shoot his sister is horrifying. As well as the fact he even had access to a gun to begin with.

You also have to factor this:

There are a lot of parents of dead children(and some dead parents) who would have said “My kids would never touch a gun just laying out.” Kids do things they were taught not to do all the time. Even good kids with good parents. Usually the worst result is a pregnancy or an appearance in Juvenile court. That’s the

Nah, still fuck the NRA.

Or maybe parents should act like parents, and teach kids morals and values instead of using video games and TV like a babysitter.

Are you that concerned about the brand of controller? Is that your takeaway from this tragedy? Damn....

Why the fuck are there so many comments pissed that a PS4 controller is the image? How is this the thing to get angry about? Put the fanboy-dom to rest. Jesus.

It extremely does not matter what kind of controller it was.

Really? Does it really matter what kind of controller was used? The controller had almost nothing to do with this story. The kid’s rage at not being able to play his video game, however, has everything to do with the story.

Fuck guns and fuck the NRA and fuck anyone who supports the NRA.

Obviously violent video games...