
Remember: this is being released by EA, so Internet Law requires that everyone in the comments hates it and thinks it’s garbage.

It’s so hard to decide on which way to be insufferable on any given day.

They also released a study concluding that if you read this article and then immediately toss out their data to insist that, no, actually you stream new music all the time because you are a very knowledgeable music person, you are missing the point entirely to be insufferable.

The industry is well aware that Netflix is bad for them. There is nothing produced on cable that is better than Altered Carbon and only 2 shows in HBO’s catalog that I think are done better. (And even that is razor close) The industry though will do their best to torpedo anything new Netflix puts out.

They are nuts. This show is fantastic.

It is uneven. Some amazing high points and some really cringe-worthy low points. So you have to roll with it if the genre is your cup of tea. Like most of the Marvel lineup on Netflix these days, it would have done better shortened to a six episode tightly plotted season 1.

It’s awesome. You’ve been lied to.

I was very, very surprised by the early negative reviews. The show is, as the Verge said, “rad.” Forbes followed with a good review.

Altered Carbon is awesome. You should watch it if you enjoy science fiction and action, at all, because the “everything else” is unquestionably okay-to-good, and the science fiction and

As a filmmaker, this is the scenario that terrifies me most. Not that my film will never play in a theater, or will only get a DVD release, or will only stream, but that it will be utterly lost because of a glut of content, its merits unnoticed because of the sheer volume of accessible media being released at such a

I don’t understand, you guys are lamenting how AC has suffered b/c of the media cycle, but no one is covering it and you “might try to take another dive,” if you get around to it. If you think it’s worth discussing, why don’t you cover it? By “you cover it” I mean AV Club collectively, not you personally.

Declaring Altered Carbon a ‘flop’ when nobody knows what the ratings are is just stupid clickbait.

With the amount of consumable media these days “it’s not that bad” is generally something I’m not eager to spend 2 hours of my life doing. And I don’t even have that busy of life- not married and no kids. But I do have a full time job and there’s just so many good shows, movies and video games these days, seeing some

This article genuinely surprises me, because I’ve seen Altered Carbon a lot on the internet (unfortunately not THE A.V. CLUB), TV, social media, and amongst many of the people I’ve talked with in the last week.

As a European, I went to bed before Paradox debuted, and by the time I woke up in the morning it was already clear it was a turkey, and I didn’t bother watching it.

It isn’t.

Call me a cynic, but when The Guardian snapped her up for a column right after she finished Bake Off (and she didn’t win, remember) it seemed to me that being incredibly photogenic might well have had a lot to do with her success. The uglies never get their own columns / book deals, do they? So her tweet about those

Probably why they said “going to be” lmao

While I was playing SotC I really didn’t like it much. When I finished it I thought it was fantastic.

I remember back in high school when I played this, my brother and I shared a room, but I was only allowed to play my PS2 when he was asleep, which usually meant an hour or so before I went to sleep myself. At first one night equaled one colossus down. Then as the game progressed and the trek to each colossus became

I think it was dumb of Keaton to post the tweet, and dumb of Dunham to comment about the rape accusation against her friend withouth anyone asking her to do so, but I really don’t see what’s wrong with saying sexual assault and pedophilia are wrong, and male entitlement is widespread, while also believing your friend