
excellent. and I’d add that the success of the Vegas team has only opened Bettman’s eyes to other cities again - pushing QC even farther away. I know Houston has a stadium issue but the NHL is sniffing around, also Austin has been mentioned and solely because of Vegas and Nashville, New Orleans has entered the

the next fee will be a $billion-CAD, the NHL has priced us out.. and the NHL need use QC as the re-location boogie man/back-up for OTT and FLA and other flailing and failing franchises. these are the two main reasons. this has been discussed ad infinitum on Canadian sports TV and radio since Seattle.

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The great 90s NYC rockers railroad jerk.

and has the sens first round draft choice. odds are it could be number one

forgot to mention that when he was traded from col to ott, his next game was col. and now his next game tonight is against ott.

totes on the money!

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Rage Against The Machine cover. Bulls on parade. Denzel Curry. He is awesome.

wheels of confusion is absolutely fucking deadly!

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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - sabbath’s best song from sabbath’s best album.

It’s a great one, Jonee!

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I’m in Mexico working. had to escape the Minneapolis weather or was going to go insane. some Canadian content 

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one of my favorite new order tracks - love vigilantes


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some 80s Canadian content. Hall and Oates would be proud to have done this tune. chilliwack - my girl.

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the best sabbath song from the best sabbath album. lord of this world...

Best soundtrack of the 80s!

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Scottish punks the skids. The saints are com8ng  

I see things, jonee!

yes!!! good/bad movie and awesome soundtrack