
Religion gave ​slaves a sense of self worth and a hope for ​salvation in this life and the next

Ian McKellen, you are my god damn hero.

Waiting for Sam Biddle to write an article about this like “this congressman did the right thing.”

Preach. I lost 40 lbs this past year eating a lot of nutrient dense/healthy fat heavy salads.

Was this in Minnesota? My mom makes a “salad” out of green jello, cottage cheese, Miracle Whip, walnuts and whipped cream. Confession, I kinda like it, but whenever she says she is making a “green salad,” we have to clarify which kind of green salad. Fricking Minnesota, I love you.

I also feel like people get a little overexcited about dressing being so awful for you. I’m eating fucking salad, most of which has very little calories, so that tablespoon of olive oil is not going to kill me. It’s not like, salad is good for you, so it must be calorie and fat free. If it’s my lunch, it better have

I love salads in general but I tend to love them with: bacon, bleu cheese, diced boiled egg, meats, and my homemade balsamic dressing that is acidic and chokingly good.

I just gasped and realized how many people may be too young to remember her on Survivor. I’m so old.

“Survivor contestant,” “married to backup NFL quarterback” and “conservative idiot on The View” are literally her claims to fame.

That’s the only season of Survivor that I’ve seen and yes, she was an idiot even back then.

I read that sentence and had to stop for a google. Like, THAT SHOW is the reason she even exists to us. WHY.

Wait, she was a Survivor contestant? Like, that is how she got famous-ish? Oh my god. Oh my god that’s fucking hilarious.

Never a massive sinkhole into a hellmouth when you need one.

This is par for the course. Naming the agent of violence is often seen as cruel or mean, or to be “ignoring the victims.” Then, victimhood itself is made shameful—”stop being such a victim,” or “don’t treat them like victims, that ignores their agency.”

End result: rapists get to keep on raping, women end up with no

At some point, we’re all going to have to consider that Darren’s entire career- nay, entire life- may be some sort of long con performance art piece that embodies the worst parts of 21st century capitalism and sports worship.

How in the world has science found an objective measure of attractiveness?

This crazy lady didn’t even want the parents to meet with each other.

This “ritzy” preschool looks like a skanky strip club.

Something to do with facial symmetry or whatever. Which is strange to me. I don't think I have EVER taken note of someone's symmetry. In fact, fuck symmetry. What kind of boring ass white bread shit is that?

How in the world has science found an objective measure of attractiveness?