Prince Robot IV

Not really relevant but I loved that movie and it's nice to see it get brought up.

When was the last time a show continuously topped itself, episode-by-episode, at such an unrelenting pace? The closest thing in my mind is season four of Breaking Bad. What a fucking show. I haven't caught up on The Leftovers yet and we've still got two more episodes of You're the Worst and two more of Fargo, but as

So I'm thinking Lindsay's gotta be the person who brings everything back together. It's gotta be, right? She knows Gretchen and for once she's actually the one on the show who seems to be thinking somewhat clearly.

Gretchen pulling the gun like a stone-cold killer was the most awesome thing I've seen on TV this year. Pitch-perfect payoff to the introduction of the gun.

I'm not saying it's not going to come up again, I'm just saying I find it downright implausible that Gretchen is going to kill herself. Even if Falk was straight-up told before writing began that there wouldn't be a third season, no way they'd go that dark. It'd be the most shocking thing I've ever seen on television.

Well I feel dumb now.

This show is a comedy. Even Louie's never gone that dark, and I need not explain how dark Louie's gone and that its surrealist and self-contained nature would actually allow it without being a point-of-no-return for the series.

I seriously, seriously doubt they'd go that road (and if they did, it
would just be an attempt or tease). And even then, I highly doubt it.

Would You're the Worst submit into Drama? I know this season's been
pretty big on the feelings and all, but it's pretty decidedly still a 30
minute comedy (not to mention the much less stiff competition it faces
in comedy). I'd be pretty shocked.

I guess I'm alone in this, but this was certainly another A for me, maybe an A-. Maybe that comes with following episodes as good as these last few, but if this had been in, say, season one, I feel like it'd be much higher than a B.

I've always felt that the second episode was the one to really judge a show by, rather than the pilot. The pilot's what sets up everything to come over the course of a very long-form story, something entirely unique to them in its series and it usually makes them feel a bit off when put next to all that

But, I mean, Louie and The Americans both seem bulletproof at this point, so there's gotta be a little bit of confidence there. Hell, it was a blessing that we got a second season of YTW. I think they like having lots of shows on all the "best-of" lists for them to tout in their ads enough to keep it around.

Yeah, I started out that way, but I felt dirty, had to give the source credit.

Falk told Sepinwall (full quote because I can't do it justice): "Obscure procedural in its 3rd season. Made straight for Bluecube Streaming service, an offshoot of the popular Bluecube DVD kiosk."

Well, I knew it was supposed to be different, but they really threw me for a loop there even with that knowledge. It was probably a case of the dangers of pre-airing review hype that my initial reaction when the credits hit was "that's it?" (not in a disappointing way, but just that we didn't get to see more) but

The promo immediately opening with Jimmy yelling about his parents was probably the hardest I laughed the whole episode just as a punchline to what was set up earlier.

If it's at all possible I'd highly recommend at the very least watching everything from episode four of this season through this one to get the full effect of what's going on. If you've got a cable provider you can use your info to watch this whole season on FX's website, and the first is on Hulu.

Lots of buzz about just how good tonight's episode of You're the Worst is, which is really something considering the hot streak it's following. It's got me very excited in a way comedies usually don't get me, wondering "wait, this is actually better than those last two? How are they going to do that!?" This is the

Oh dear, she was my least favorite thing about that show when I watched it. This was a much younger me and it was my first time watching a dramatic television series in sequence, which made it easy to love, but even then, there was just always something wrong with her. I get that they kinda cover for her shitty

I've never encountered this with a movie—rarely anything other than really strong tension, but this new wave of horror games in the past several years has turned me into a little bitch. Amnesia and more recently SOMA apply here, but even more mocked games like the Five Nights series and the original Slender: The Eight