
The Mustang will have some serious competition foraging for people to mow down leaving C&C

Alright, I have to nitpick as a track coach and personal trainer, because the ambiguous phrasing used in this article (and the one linked to regarding HIIT workouts) is what has given me numerous headaches when it comes to people failing to get quality HIIT workouts or, more often, injuring themselves:

“For example, int

Someone cross-post this to Jezebel where they seem to believe that women never, ever, ever do this.

I live in California, and the booted heel is very real.

wut rings u got bich

Havel’s Ring, Ring of Favor and Protection; Stamina, Health, Endurance - everything you could ever want.

Too much booty for the scooty

You need a new wife.

If tossing a salad behind a truck on the side of the highway is wrong, I don’t want to be right.

D.B. Pooper

Ah... This must be it... The comma, before the storm.

that’s a whole lada ice

The only laws I need telling me to wear a helmet or a seat belt were written by Newton.

what a great slogan

Sir, it wasn’t that the instruction booklet was wrong. Those are just the alternative instructions.

fun fact; the little spots on the Corvette’s rear window are tiny Corvette logos.