Thranduil's Eyebrows

I couldn't place her face at first, but then someone in the comments for the previous episode mentioned that was her and now all I can see is Brianna Barksdale in this show.


So this proves that Evelyn Poole and that asshole with the dogs were never married right? Since Evelyn mentions that her husband "recently" passed away or something and Sir Asshole only just got got by Vanessa this episode.

I agree. But I would go further to say that she started out that way, keeping her eye on the prize of the Red Keep and at the beginning of the walk she kept her head above the commonfolk so to speak, trying to block everything out, but the sheer length of the humiliation of that whole walk and all the garbage and the

Makes sense if it is, I don't think Drogon would have flown very far out of Meereen anyway since he was injured.

Still not buying it though. For all we know if (when?) Jon Snow comes back his reanimated corpse doesn't necessarily need to have the same haircut as he did in life. And I'm too used to the Moffat way of lying to the audience about character deaths to buy anything that the showrunners/actors say about characters'

Speaking of Selyse, I don't know why but my first thought when I saw her was that some of Stannis' men had captured and killed her, instead of her hanging herself. Don't know why. Maybe as protest over what Stannis did to Shireen, so they took his crazy religious wife as "revenge", since it was Stannis following that

It's like every time someone confirms the illegitimacy of the Lannister children, they die.


Yeah, Victor is becoming more and more unlikable to me than even Dorian. I sort of understand why Dorian basically blew off Angelique in favour of Lily, because of the whole "even more interesting and mysterious creature" vibe he gets from Lily (even though I also feel sorry for Angelique because of that), but Victor

I still hold out for the reveal that Lyle's wife is someone we know but never expected, and will have some incredible impact on the proceedings. There's got to be a reason they haven't so much as shown her face in all these episodes yet. But going through the list of options, I don't know who that might be…

One could argue that showing the faces of Stannis, Selyse, Melisandre and everyone else watching Shireen burn instead of watching her actually burn is to place more emphasis on how this affects all of the remaining characters. As tough as it is to say, this story is more about Stannis and his tunnel-visioned thirst

I don't know, heat of the moment made him forget he had it maybe? But I think some other people pointed out that you'd need to touch the infected part to catch it, and the spot was on his wrist so him taking her hand probably wouldn't have done anything. Worry abated!

Although, when I watched that scene one of my first thoughts was honestly, "what if Jaqen put her there on purpose so she would see Meryn Trant?" Because as someone else pointed out above, it would totally be like Jaqen as an assassin-trainer to throw her a test like that. And Jaqen DOES give her a knowing look when

YES. Now I really worry for Dany, but I wonder if her having the blood of the dragon will somehow prevent her from catching the sickness?

I was wondering that too. I half expected Jon and Tormund to go up on the clifftops and face the White Walkers the first time they saw them up there, just to end the battle then and there. But they didn't. Probably for the best, Jon didn't know Valyrian steel could destroy White Walkers at that moment.

Oh Gendry! Still paddling. I don't know what's worse, stuck drinking seawater or your own piss for that long.

I guess it's "good job Victor"? I mean, I'm happy that Victor is finally seeking and finding love somewhere, but the entire time I just couldn't stop thinking that Brona/Lily is a REANIMATED CORPSE.

Yes exactly! They could have just stealth-missioned it with one witch, snuck in, grabbed the hairbrush, snuck back out with the group being completely oblivious to what happened. Now Vanessa and co. are going to be prepared for any future attack.

Haha I noticed that too, that witch did seem to be sliding across the floor just kinda riding that wave, so to speak. It made me think for half a second that they might have gotten a dummy witch to slide on the floor, and not the actress for some reason.