Bears fan here! Just want to say this is some bullshit and not at all surprising coming from the Trib, a paper that still gives John Kass an outlet to voice his almost always terrible opinions.
Bears fan here! Just want to say this is some bullshit and not at all surprising coming from the Trib, a paper that still gives John Kass an outlet to voice his almost always terrible opinions.
I hear that. And it’s not cool. However, it still doesn’t change the sexism of crediting the husband of a female athlete with her success, even if her win is questionable. They could've commented on that instead.
I was enraged when I heard the commentator say that about her husband! I screamed, she won you fuckers, not him!!! So loud I scared my cat.
That’s cool! I’m watching with my parents so we’re watching on the NBC Olympics Roku channel. There are short commercial breaks. They’re just using odd camera shots and jumping away from competitors and events at odd times. Oh well...
Are you watching Subdivision 2 right now? I’m pretty unimpressed by the broadcast. I know they’re trying to showcase the gymnasts of the mixed groups, but they’re jumping around so much and skipping routines by the Russians and Italians.
OMG I forgot about that too! Yes, the athlete said something along the lines of, “it’s my name, my father’s name and I will not change it.”
:). You’re in! I actually have been having to make new friends as I’m 35 and all my friends are moms (WHICH IS FINE!) for those who need to hear it, except blessedly my best friend. But we don’t have all the same interests, obvs.
That’s awesome! I seriously wish I’d known. It’d been a free tix because the vouchers. No one wanted to go because they weren’t fans, and I shit you not, H&O wasn’t ironic enough. My one friend who was interested is a new mom, so that wasn’t going to happen.
Dude, I have ticketmaster settlement vouchers and Hall & Oates were the only act near me I wanted to see and I couldn't get anyone to go either.
Honestly anything but Vernors.
He did a disservice to Wiki.
Same here! I die a little inside when catastrophe strikes a gymnast, no matter the team. Obvs I want to see USA, but I like to see all the teams compete. Otherwise, what’s the point? Plus with it being qualifying, it’s nice to know who is going to what event, all around, etc and why.
Good call! I figured out how to get the live streams on the NBC roku channel and I think I’m going to get up and watch womens gymnastics at 7:45 am or whatever time it starts. I’m unemployed right now so I might as well enjoy this lone perk :). I livestreamed the London gymnastic finals from work last year too.
At my house I tend to use Schweppes in the little bottles as they don’t go flat as quickly. But I’m having Canada Dry tonight and it is just as tasty. I drink a lot of ginger ale on its own without booze. I also thoroughly enjoy it with Jameson!
Same here. Cranberry juice can be a bit too tart for me on it’s own (and makes me feel like I'm trying to stave off a UTI :-) but bubbles make everything better. I'm at my parents and they had limited mixing options, so I had to get creative.
I’m drinking vodka with half cran, half ginger ale, and lime. It’s very refreshing and since I’m a liberal pour, it’s making me buzzy fast.
Yes! I was like, “why are you saying these irrelevant, and or depressing things about these countries?” I feel like there needed to be a WOMP WOMP after everything he said. All of the athletes looked so awestruck and excited and then you’ve got this douchebag downer.