
Good on you, Molly, Doctor Who is the most over rated "nerd" thing of all time. That's not hyperbole.

The movie is almost out everywhere so the press circuit will be ending soon and Whedon is going to finish out his contract. I imagine he'll keep his comments on the process of working with Marvel slightly more negative until he wraps up.

Wasn't there a BBC Robin Hood show?

I mean, I hate listening to people talk about their jobs, but comedians are at least funny about it.

My favorite part is when asked whether or not you have to be miserable to be funny, Matt Walsh just says, "I made a girl cry once in college."
And silently stares past the camera for 10 seconds.

News outlets need to stop making every single performance go viral.

It's an awful condescending overly used term. But she definitely propagated it.

It sounds like this character might be based on the villain from the Beauty and the Beast Enchanted Christmas.

Little Bear is so boring. Franklin is where it's at.

It's so bizarre when "it's a show that's made to be binged" is a criticism? It's made that way and released that way, so it's a non-issue right?

Who would've thought that 5 years later Daredevil would be owned by Fox, it would be a TV show rather than a movie, it would be distributed by that newfangled Netflix, and Ben Affleck WOULD be putting on another costume. (And Arrenofsky would not be directing The Wolverine)

I mean, I get that it was that, but Reality TV definitely played a part in it too I think.

A reality show isn't that much different from what we got. I think Cabin also wanted to criticize the exploitation involved in reality tv.

McG: The poor man's Michael Bay

This is amazing. Thank you Dr.Robuttnik.

I love this.

Why would Willy try to murder Jeff if he's not actually a murderer?

Heheh, I forgot about that.

It's dumb that Sony has no faith in its female Ghostbusters film so they went and put a "real" one into production.

How many people are there with the name Steve McQueen?