
I feel like it suffered from the same problems as last season's finale. It brought together a bunch of dangling plotlines into one ending, but didn't manage to satiate all of them.

I'm excited to see more episodes where Steven gets sidelined. I know it'll be a while since Sworn to the Sword and Nightmare Hospital are both pretty recent, but I really would love an episode that focuses on just Connie fighting bad guys with that badass sword.

The pilot is possibly the strongest episode in the series.

You son of a bitch, I'm at work and I just yelped.

It's 2015, damn it!

Oh shit, I forgot how much I loved Forever and Always.

I was disappointed that even with the extended time, we didn't get to hear anything from Ford about what it was like being in the other dimension. Even if he had dropped a cool line about not wanting to talk about it that would have been something.

Zach Stone is Gonna Be Famous should never have been cancelled.

Good, good, good, good, good. This is one of the best films Disney has ever made.

I think Halle Barry's Storm and James Marsden's Cyclops are roughly the same in terms of whether they deserve a movie.

I would watch most of these.

AT should end at Season 10. 10 is good.

Nice, sounds like my Umbrella Academy issues will be worth more soon.

Wow those shorts are exactly the same. I hope the original animator won enough money that she never has to work again. I hope she shares some of that dough with the other people who worked on the short.

But it sounds like they buy the rights to the picture outright.

That seems to be the gist of his beef. He takes pictures, gets paid if they're bought, and then isn't allowed to use them again without permission. That's fine with me, I wouldn't want someone to repeatedly make money off my image without my permission either.

This photographer is salty that he has to get her management's permission to use images of her after their initial purpose is served?

I didn't like the pilot at all, but I'm a big fan of Natasha's. She always kills it at the roasts and her specials are solid. Does it get better after the pilot?

I read this book, and it's really not that "Twee self-important". It's almost a straight comedy that has a sad cancer subplot. It's quite good and I expect the movie to be great.

It's one of the most realistic presidential runs on political television. Frank Underwood is kind of an idiot who also relies on dumb luck, but without nearly as competent a team aside from his Chief of Staff. He also kills two people no problem.