
no, but an unplanned update can cause issues. With me, I may have to reinstall all of my cad applications, and some other things I use. If I’m going to switch to 10, it’s because it’s a new PC, or a fresh installation not an in-place upgrade.

I wish mine made that sound. Right now the exhaust ends at the downpipe for my car, and while it’s extra noisy and there’s a burble when you let off the gas, there’s nothing like that.

Who’s the narrator in the video?

I really can’t wait to see what the Pascal based Quadros will be like.

I just explained this to me wife using top gear us

Living along the gulf coast, this seems like something I should be looking for in my next car purchase

he needed to have typed out his initial post, then had someone else read it. I did read it the day it happened, and eventually after all of his posts it started to make sense what he was talking about, but posting while mad in a public capacity like that is not a good idea.

he probably should have used a better term, maybe something like professional model or spokes model and then not go down the hole of appearing to shit on his fan base.

It’s Gawker all the way down

That camaro has likely been around mustangs too long, and has been influenced by bad actors

looks like he got tapped, if both videos are from the same session. In the first one, there’s no damage to the van, but on the one where he crashes there’s a dent in the door that you can see on the left hand side.

Those are really good, except the eyes look dead

maybe if the Chicken Tax were repealed and other manufacturers started importing them, we could have a small truck revival

I can’t wait to see the quadro variant, the last one had an insane top end card

Hey at least it’s functional ornamentation on a mustang, and not a fake

It’ll be safe to wander through farmers markets with out the gear of the elderly driving into them

Could the gun be improved in anyway?

Dan Patrick( idiot Lt gov who owns two conservative radio stations that really pushed the Jade helm conspiracy) already suggested he supports that sort of thing

there’s a locking USB port for those types of keys.