The state has a lot of wind farms
The state has a lot of wind farms
We’ll need some sort of points system for everytime Sabine makes someone vomit
Is that the Bat-Miata? Na,Na, Na, it couldn’t work
Procurement would be easy, if Wayne enterprises isn’t making their own raptor like vehicle, then there needs to be a Wayne racing Baja team with several models accidentally destroyed in testing to convert to batmobiles
What poor soul admits to being from dfw?
The hell is wrong with you
Worst Canadian to come to Texas that I can recall
You should test these laws by getting Patrick George a Camaro and a map of destinations
were they using metric horses, and then converted to imperial horses? the conversion process might explain why some are missing.
If Jet Li’s the one is taken as a documentary, one of them can kill the other and become even more powerful.
So is he pulling a Colbert, or a Seinfeld?
It’s cheaper then several Harley models, so why not
That’s the next special edition, except it’ll be those bullet hole stickers for those guys who want to look tough
I asked for a yellow bird not a yellow bed
The cites and the suburban areas are all very different
When people wander your yard looking in your project cars for replacement parts for their Junkers
I’m sure that the brick they modeled after might have been in the floor of the wind tunnel Ferrari uses.
That could be handy for certain regions, now can it remotely start the AC from a cell phone, cause that would be handy during a gulf coast summer.
Thankfully I commute from a different side of town
What the hell are you on about.