
Not enough graphic cards, you should try an nvidia Quadro m6000 or AMD fire pro w9100

The track hotel could then do packages with Santa’s wonderland across highway 6 from the track

should have used DHL

I drive through a street with college parking on one side, and buildings on the other. At some point, it was demoted from school zone to just cross walk warnings, never fails no matter the time of day or night, if there’s someone in front of me they still drop to under 20 MPH.

At what point is it cheaper for Carmax to buyback the landrover, then sell it for parts to other less fortunate land rover owners who didn’t purchase that carmax warranty?

Curse you for posting this before I could.

Some say he made his first appearance in America as the ghostly driver in the wraith but we know him as the stig.

you lost the audition to replace James May, didn’t you

I was expecting it to be those Duke boys causing trouble again

I had a Cruze, and it was better then Cruz

just earned the ghost costume on my android

Future Nissan Deltawing design?

I think the issue appears to be those were fixed wings, and if they’d have been able to make the wings change angles during flight, they may have had more success

Like the other for profit “Universities”

It looks like shit has hit the fan in this thread

All cars, what we need are autonomous easy chairs that swaddle us in reclined comfort from door to door

You know at this point, I’m wondering if Carmax doesn’t plan for you. Like for their buyers they look for particularly enthusiastic suffice heartbeat types and then require they read your shenanigans once hired.

I always hated that kid and his frigging monkey

not too bad, and considering i live a few miles away from DMC houston, i know where to take it