Joseph Pellicore

For that matter, exploiting a glitch in multiplayer is borderline. Most active cheats are just an aggressive exploit of more obscure weaknesses at the software level. And either of these things affects other people.

That’s how I’m picking up what he’s laying down. In addition to that, he’s adding a dose of, “I don’t play online games, so I think it’s fine that people cheat and ruin them. It doesn’t affect me, so let them.”

Yup. I have so goddamn many games in my queue. If nothing else, all of the 95% - 98% positive Steam indy games that console-only players can never have will keep me quite busy. 😁 I can wait.

I have no idea. I’m currently doing what will be a 20 reflex/20 technical/20 intelligence/rest in body build. In practice, I’m doing a hell of a lot of melee. I’m only using intelligence for when I feel like or am required to stealth a mission.

Or dystopian-future sci-fi in general.

Check me on this ... rancid, cynical politics ...

I had three of the buggers who wouldn’t sleep for more than 20 minutes straight, if they weren’t on us in a wrap or carrier. I generally had third-shift baby-mattress duty. I couldn’t do much else with a baby on me.

I mean, they could release it in Florida ... a few other states.

I have. Can’t remember the issue involved, but I remember that I’ve done it.

Yeah, I always caught a creepy vibe off of him, even before I discovered that he was a Prosperity Gospel leach.

Yeah, she might have a point.  Now, if we can get someone who isn't a monster to present her point, we can have a serious discussion about it. 

Sliver?  Can something still be a sliver, when it's one dimensional?  I haven't seen a single anti-choice argument that isn't predicated upon a pile of lies.

Same here. I didn’t have a strong opinion either way, previously.  I love Jennifer Hale, though, so I would have checked out the game further, on her account.  Now, I'm all in on the game.  Screw this woman.

Musk doesn’t have the money to buy Twitter.

Noooooooo!  Damn you, Rockstar, for making me pay what I would expect to pay for an upgrade and instead giving me the full game!

It’s a vast improvement, any way you look at it. Loading the denser textures of a current-gen version generally takes a 4th or 5th of the time it takes for the last-gen version to load on a PS4.  It's an insane step up.

I mean, Evil Genius 2 and Planet Coaster DO load damned-near instantly. Cyberpunk 2077 ... not so much.

More or less. CP77 was more of a mess, but if you look at the details, it’s understandable.

Yeah, that’s the big thing that killed them. People who picked the game up at launch had to be crushed. I waited a few weeks, as I always do with new games, and by that time I had had my expectations properly lowered. I ran into the very occasional glitch, but I think I literally saw three or four T-poses the entire

Or hell, just do what I did. Never preorder. Always read a handful of reviews, first. Focus on the detailed, negative reviews, and see if the cons listed by the reviewers will be game-breakers for you.