
And his supporters are still on the team. Remember when his base said our president was going around apologizing for America? The America he hates? They were worried the rest of the world would laugh at us? Why are they not embarrassed by this creep? He lies. He has 5 kids by 3 wives, he’s had affairs, he’s

+1 red rocket

He was penalized for playing the wrong sport. There is no 2nd base in football.

How did that dildo make it from the field to the deadspin comments section to post that response?

Counterpoint adjusted, Seriously lighten up

Counterpoint: lighten up

Andy Reid reaching into his pants to pull out his red challenge dildo

I’d be okay if the NFL threw dildos instead of flags from now on.

How about a little different take on Harley Quinn?

Shut up and take me to the Upside Down!

Well, that’s just comma sense

I missed a comma because I’m drunk on my couch neglecting children.

I need 75 other people to go as “The Cardinals lost their ___ game”. Who’s in?

How dare you let a laptop neglect your children.

I made the light wall from Stranger Things

I’m going as Drew drunk on my couch, with a laptop neglecting my children.

I can probably pull this one off:

Now playing

I made the light wall from Stranger Things - It’s programmable so I can type any message into it.