
A puppy has better control of its bladder than 45 has of his rants. As soon as you think he has been house trained and you leave him alone he shits on the carpet, digs all of the diapers out of the can and pisses on the heater. When you get home, he wags his tail because he KNOWS he did a good thing.

My dad said something similar when I called him! “He held the cRaZy at bay as long as he could! Look at his twitter, he has lost his tiny mind!”

Heard in the White House...

The dude has been at it all morning - it’s like he used up all of his normalcy when he addressed congress.

“People are woefully unreliable observers”— including people who think anecdotes are entirely meaningless. Yes.

So which is it? You want dissenting opinions to spark conversations, or you’re just looking for an article of dissenting opinions that you can tear down?

Pretty much every one of these anecdotes acknowledges that their viewpoints are in the minority among their fellow servicemen.

“Anecdotal evidence is meaningless. The last survey I saw”

Consider how the second phrase flows from the first.

You could. But you probably wouldn’t listen. As you seemingly haven’t done here. Whatever happened to just listening and hearing what people have to say?

Maybe? Probably? i don’t know the size of your organization or whether or not you consider cats people...

But rarely do people insist that other organization all have the exact same opinion on everything...you know like people do with our military.

These voices are important. because time and time again, assclowns like you tell us all veterans think the same way. All veterans act the same way. And not coincidentally...all veterans have the exact same opinion as you.

This is not meant to be a representation of all the military. That’s your game. This is meant to

Of course it is. One of these entries says just that.

Oh, cool, I was looking for easy ways to invalidate their personal experiences.

This is certainly not a statistically representative sample of the military. But it is far from meaningless.

Hey on the plus side, you’re not American!

It’s just wrong that a Republican can be named John Kennedy.

oh my god when he does the sign of the cross at the end...NEVER CHANGE JOE

God I will miss Joe Biden so so much.