
Interested! What are the other 2 tattoos?

GAH!!!!!!!! NO! NO! NO!

I, for one, just wanted to let you know I appreciate you and the heart you put into your life. I celebrate nurses even outside of the month of May. Nurses are the reason my family is still alive. They caught what the doctor didn’t and pushed for treatment.

If she was socially awkward why dominate the servers time and run them all over the place for you alone? That was also part or the narrative.

You ask a sincere question. Honest answer is? the customer gave herself the revenge. She ran her server ragged, threatened her server, then changed her attitude when she literally burned herself.

You do not sound like a person that worked 2 restaurant jobs. You sound like a Fox news correspondent. Stop it! There have also been quite a few stories of workers not caring about people coming in last minute, because the customer was NICE.

It doesn’t make sense to disagree with a law, while at the same time agreeing with the exact same law. You want change for that law, but your solution is to keep using a law you disagree with until someone else changes the law? Your point contradicts itself, a lot.

I like to believe, (yes, I’m optimistic), his day will come when his house of cards comes crashing down.

Just noticed this was posted almost a year ago. I’m sorry :/

Starving? Couldn't afford food on a bus boy income?