That’s why there is a Subaru version of this car.
There’s a sticker on the dash warning you not to floor it.
So, in a nutshell, you’re going political now.
Considering that he just bought a used British luxury/performance car, I’m sure he has a lifetime supply of shorts. Also opens, high-resistance connections, and floating grounds.
Online purchases are always disappointments, especially when mobile apps are involved. For example, I downloaded the much-advertised Quicken Loans Rocket Mortgage app, only to learn I could not finance the purchase of a rocket.
Well, you just need a 100hp engine!
There are fewer cars more worthy of Jalopnik. At this little automobile’s core lies the heart and soul of what creates a motoring enthusiast. It isn’t obvious and it isn’t loud, but it’s there.
Joke’s on them, I’ve been putting glue in my cereal for years.