
All cops are indeed bad. That doesn’t mean nobody goes into the profession with good intentions, as you suggest, but those people either conform to the evils of the system, succumb to the peer pressure of their colleagues, and are corrupted, or they leave the profession - of their own accord or thanks to pressure from

I’ll be interested in how committed they are to “order, civility, and decency” if it comes down to Trump against Sanders or Warren in 2020.”

Here's to Giant Meteor 2020 cancelling every entrant in this bracket.

Fake news. Cats, particularly interacting with the cast, is an amazing experience as a little kid.

One might ask, what kind of company sells child-sized see-through lingerie? There's a market for this, apparently?

Hey, if she’s had a change of heart good for her, but let’s cut the bullshit: she knows exactly why paw paw did it: paw paw did it to advance his career, to benefit himself and his family.

And I can guarantee you that the conservatives you’re talking about will vote for trump, no matter what, regardless of their policy positions; that the democratic nominee, whoever they turn out to be, whatever they stand for, will be savaged as “socialist” with equal ferocity no matter what their policy positions are,

Yup. If they were defending all accused cops they could claim to be neutrally ensuring due process but selective support equals endorsement.

Please don't insult pigs that way.

Don’t take this too hard, but if you are so oblivious you can’t tell that your partner has died mid-coitus you are probably not paying attention well enough to fulfill your duty to confirm continuing consent. If your partner has stopped moving not because she’s dead but because she’s fallen unconscious or has frozen

IMO no one over thirty should be seen, heard, or allowed to vote.

Not an impossible bind at all. Remain got 48% of the vote even before subsequent political turmoil demonstrated how disastrous brexit is going to be. All labour had to do was mount an actual defense of remaining, the obviously superior choice, instead of hiding from the issue and letting the inferior position win out

As a man, I’m rooting for men to be cancelled all the way, only the bedbug could even get my attention as an alternative. But he is a man, as are most of the evil people in the world, so many birds with one stone. If “humans” instead of “calling people human” (wtf?) had been on the list, that would have been even

Because somebody smeared the innocent dog with the nazi label and (understandably) most voters didn’t bother to google before voting. Without accurate information it would be easy to imagine, say, that the dog attacks people of color or something like that (as some dogs have been trained to do). The lesson here is

The cautionary tale here is that you don’t turn turtle and try to hide from the decisive issue of the day, because the campaign is going to be decided on it whether you defend your side, the position people associate you with, or not, and failing to assert your natural position only forfeits the field to the enemy. In

AFAIK logal paul is not a trump advocate, just an asshole, kanye could conceivably swing voters to trump in a tight election ... Enemies of civilization must be cancelled ahead of mere assholes.

We laugh, but you know this kind of thing inculcates generations of children with fiscal irresponsibility from a young age. No wonder nobody seriously objects to the military-industrial complex!

Careful with your “we”, there. You don’t speak for men, scumbag, you speak for deplorables. We mentally normal, morally decent men want nothing to do with you, and you don’t get to claim our support when trying to set up safe spaces for your vileness.

Bullshit. Dave doesn’t laugh at black people, he laughs with them. That’s an attitude he would do well to employ more broadly (and indeed was a tendency that aided in his rise in popularity, back in the day). And while Dave is certainly talented, the idea that you have to be competent to be very successful, inside or