
…and now I just bought the complete wacky races on amazon, which ill probably watch instead of this

Evil Duck 2: Duck by Dawn

Funny thing is I have no interest in seeing this movie anyway

…and forcibly ejecting people from there homeland and killing them

So whats IDF doing in palestine? Just hangin out?

The problem is that IDF is killing innocent palestinians and she supports them. She decries Hamas, thats great. But IDF is every bit as bad to the palestinian people, coexistence can't happen through ethnic cleansing. By aligning herself with IDF (which she explicity does, and yes they are killing and displacing

Can you point me to the quote were she decries the IDFs killing of palestinians? Couldnt find one myself.

She has gone on record as supporting IDF, which has killed thousands of innocent palestinians. So, yes she did.

See the problem there is there is a place called Palestine, and it is filled with Palestinians, and that is there home, and supporting the slaughter and displacement of an entire people isn't too cool in my opinion. cute little comment though.

she is also a zionist.

This is pretty much a perfect summation.

*googles ravonettes*

Black napkins by zappa.

I think they were made for kids with sensory issues


One of my favorite episodes

There's some excellent stuff here

the only 80s stuff I like his orchestral stuff

Agree accept for the overrated part