lookey lulu

I get that, but I think the analogy is not s quite the same. Try this one. During WWII the brits learned to hack Nazi Enigma messages, Churchill allowed the bombing of bombing of Coventry rather than let the Germans know Enigma had been cracked. It was necessary because it saved thousands more. Now, imagine a

Not about the feels, just what is the point of the insult? Why didn’t your vet friends leak anything? I mean, I agree that there is a lot that happens that shouldn’t happen, but when you’re subject to the UCMJ the repercussions are known. The military, like any institution will do what it has to protect its interests.

I think she deserved her sentence. It is hardly the worst under the espionage act (which allows for a death sentance). That said the treatment of prisoners of Manning’s level (pretty much continual solitary confinement) is horrible and should be done away with. But freeing her isn’t going to change any of that for

She IS a traitor, and DOES deserve to be in prison. Maybe not for 35 years, but for longer than what her commutation takes her to. The oath of enlistment, not to mention all the various things she had to do to even be trusted with access to that information mean that she’s isn’t a whistle blowing hero in this case,

Wow. She put so many lives in jeopardy with the info she leaked, and you are hoping for a fame and fortune filled future for her? Cool.

No she got the punishment she deserved in accordance of the UCMJ. Now I agree that her sentence was IMO unfairly long and most likely motivated by Snowden backlash. But to say she should have never been been subjected to punishment is absurd.