Coronas!!! Feliz cumpleanos Crecente !!!! make sure you take a shot of tequila from el presidente or cazadores ....hmmmmmm feel thirsty!!!!
is it me...or that girl in the middle looks like she's high as hell? that or she might be A ZOMBIE!!!!! quick get the shotgun!!!
Just for laughs I signed up on PSN as HEIIO-KITTY and I use this id to play COD4 , you should see how much dumb ass remarks , insults I get when I'm in the lobby. But it feels so cool to kill them and it shows on their screen as " YOU WERE KILLED BY HELLO-KITTY!" most of the times I get high score or a 2 to 1 kill…
@kosbee: lol i was thinking the same thing !!!
It's gonna be viva pinata cast for the 360!!! you heard it here first!!!
I went to E 4 all last year, I thought it was cool, played MGS4 and Smash brawl and other games, got some cool swag , like COD4 tote bag, COD4 game cover with infinity ward's staff autographed on it. Had a good time and I used the metro subway to get there from the valley and it leaves you right in front of the…
just sing this song during the game
ahhh i remember laser tag!!! There was here were I live in Sherman Oaks CA, don't know if it still there.But it was fun times!!! But then my friend open up a paintball place so I went there instead. That should next year's party Brian!!! I can image it now......Tristan getting headshots on you!!!! hehehehehehe