
See, all I took away from this is a sudden craving for sloppy joes.

I am a sales director and I lead a team of about 100 people. One of the things that I am proud of is that I have helped two women who work for me leave abusive spouses. I have strategized, supported, and done everything I could to not only say I believe you but put the full weight of my authority into making it

They may not be the primary victims here, but I really feel awful for the girls as well. Their father manipulated and took advantage of them – no doubt wracking them with guilt for all these years and years to come – and seriously messed up their family relationships. What an awful burden to place on the backs of two

I was up late one night last year watching BBC News. They had a special hour long segment from a news office in Kenya.

One of the features was about the rising problem of illegal hooch in towns north of Nairobi. Men were becoming so persistently drunk in the area, that their wives had begun a united sex strike against

The single biggest tribute we can pay to Jo Cox will be to confront those who wish to promote the hatred and division that led to her murder

The judge in this case was fantastic and did not allow Thomas Mair to address the court. Another thing that was left out of this story was that court heard that Jo Cox tried to protect her staff and said “Get away from him, let him hurt me.”

Upon hearing the news, the president elect scratched a name off his list of potential cabinet members and muttered, “dammit”.

It is too bad that the people who laid the ideological groundwork for this man’s crimes - like UKIP leader Nigel Farage - will never see the inside of a courtroom.

I’m shocked it went that far. We had a fatal crash in our city a couple of years ago due to the driver texting, and they made changes, yada yada yada. So you would think they would listen to parent reports, complaints & suggestions, right? Especially since the BOE contracts bussing to several different companies and

Here’s a novel idea! How about we continue to condemn the practice & educate people on why this is fucked up, instead of giving them a loophole to fuck little girls? Crazy talk I know.

Bon Jovi allegedly avoids Christie, too.

It gives me life.

I still love, in an evil bitch sorta way, that all Chris Christie really wants in life is to be friends with Bruce Springsteen and ol’ Bruce basically said “nah.”

Does Christie ever do like ... his actual job of governing New Jersey?

It’s good because we all know there are absolutely no negative places that adolescents might go to seek support and acceptance when positive places can’t be found. They will just turn straight. That’s how it works.

Could someone put info up on which numbers to call if you want to voice your position against the bill, as a constituent? I don’t live in Texas, but that seems like good information to know.

I have no problem calling him on his shit if I were around when he said it, but a four year old tweet made news is a distraction of the horrors of what the administration are planning.

Because that is what we do now. We can’t let people do anything good in this world without sifting through their past to find a reason to vilify them.

He is at fault. Let us never doubt this nor underestimate his evil. Sharon was taken from us by his sheer awfulness.