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It was back in 1978 that God changed his mind about black people...

Is there something inherently nauseating about describing one’s own love? Is it the navel-gazey hyperboolic rapture of it? The sameness of it? I’m honestly asking. I mean, I read a lot, so descriptions of two characters’ love for each other is something I come across frequently, but I never find it irritating in that


I think TWD has repeated the same cycle so many times that “unrepentant insane dude” is kind of the only card they had left to play. We’ve already had the Villain Who Thinks He’s Doing Good and the Villain Who Tried Good and Got Screwed So Now He’s Bad, and had several random Evil, But Human Evil type of people in

Of course he’s going to sue them. That’s what he does to anyone who speaks up about his behavior. Contractor makes inquiry about late payment? Don’t pay them! Just threaten a lawsuit. Shuts them right up.

“I think that rich spoiled athlete ought to give all his money to take care of fallen police officers.”

This one sucked all around to read. But, this case remains a good example of why I’m extremely skeptical of the “Believe every accusation made and never question anything” modern progressive stance on sexual assault allegations. Erdely followed that theory to a T. It’s just ripe for unscrupulous people to take

I mean....Kanye, Jay-Z and Beyonce didn’t come to your wedding to Kim. They went on vacation. That is a clear and direct message that they could give two shits about your wife or your marriage. Move on, Kanye. You’re embarrassing yourself, again.

Let’s face it, he certainly wouldn’t have been let off so lightly and celebrated by his family if he repeatedly raped those boys. The family might write off a 12 year old girl as being a whore who “seduce” him, but special, precious, divine little boys are the only ones worth protecting.

The attitude of the family towards the boys vs the girl really highlights the attitude that led to and enabled her sexual abuse in the first place. In their eyes the basic concerns of the little girl, including her physical safety, are utterly unimportant. The interests of the boys and even the vile prurient interests

So, we can’t have another baby. We lost our second boy at 16 weeks this summer and I emotionally am not strong enough to go through that mess again. I was sitting here having two thoughts:

Absolutely. Her brothers, and possibly financial security, saving face with the community, etc. Anything other than the girl who is both their responsibility and his victim. Ugh.

You know what, it’s quite plausible that she’s devastated at the thought of not having her dad in her life

Let’s be clear about something...

This is kinda like that time my ex brought my ex best friend that he fucked while we were married as his date to a wedding where we were both mutual guests. But worse?

This times a thousand. How the entire population does not come to the exact same conclusion about this guy’s psycho-pathology is astonishing on so many levels. There is nothing that comes out of this guy’s mouth that isn’t pure, unadulterated projection. Not a thing. He really needs to forced in to an old fashioned

You’d be surprised how many “normal” families, who are educated and don’t belong to any kind of fundy church, are just as quick to sweep this stuff under the rug and champion the male abuser.

In his defense, removing himself from her life forever was one way to cure her of a cancer.

Newt Gingrich, a man who served one of his multiple wives with divorce papers while she was recovering from cancer, is a man eminently qualified to speak of Donald Trump’s character.

Just one more reason for my deep love for coco.