Who else thinks Ghislaine Maxwell is going to end up dead?
Who else thinks Ghislaine Maxwell is going to end up dead?
It’s weird that the Americans could not do the one thing they should have excelled at, namely sitting their asses down at home and watching television for a month.
This is your regular reminder that planning and organization in the leadup to this, when we all could see what was coming, likely would have mitigated the effects, at least of the shutdowns if not the disease itself. Particularly with the executive branch of the federal government, which in all but the most…
It was always going to get worse. The point of the lockdown was to keep the strain off the hospitals. Most hospitals are back to pre-corona levels so now we can open things back up slowly and the hospitals won’t be overloaded. If they start getting overloaded we cinch back down again for a bit.
This is a good example to hold up to anyone who says that this somehow “isn’t the GOP they grew up with, or how the Republican brand has been tarnished by Trump”, because then you can make them uncomfortable by bringing up the fact that Ronald Reagan, the one some folks seem to hold up as some wholesome, folksy…
UGH - This is like the gazillionth thing filed this to “Things I had double check weren’t really an Onion headline” since this presidency began. I believe that Trump is far gone enough to not have any idea what is going on. I believe that Pence is oblivious enough to not know of the existence of Juneteenth. But the…
I’m no phrenologist but there does seem to be something off about the husband. If I were, and this were 1820 instead of 2020, I would definitely invite him into my study with my calipers at the ready.
A “white nationalist” leader hides in a bunker while war rages outside. Where have I heard that before?
Not enough bad things can happen to this woman, not so much for her “rehoming” of a child like he was a puppy she found in a parking lot but for her mercenary use of and collection of children to begin with. She keeps squeezing out or adopting kids because she knows that babies and toddlers are where the “cute”…
“If you’re worried about getting sick, obviously, or you want to distance yourself, it’s pretty much to each their own.”
Fingers crossed, here's hoping it runs like wildfire through the White House. Especially Trump and Pence; if it kills them both, Pelosi rises to the top!
Unlined dresses drive me insane in general! And raw fucking hems!
Guys, I caught COVID-19. It SUCKED. And I had the “mild” version, meaning I didn’t have to be hospitalized. I am on *DAY 50* since start of symptoms and I am recovering, but I am nowhere near back to normal. I was in self-isolation for nearly 4 weeks. I am still having horrible dizzy spells, weakness, fatigue like you…
This. Is. What. They. Want.
If having a cool pattern or baby yoda or what the fuck ever means that people will actually wear them, I’m all for it.
Next year, the only documentaries I want to see will be about how Trump was deposed and around America, his trolls exploded in flames as their head vampire was dragged out kicking and screaming into the sunlight.
One of the things that pisses me off is repubs who argue that kids should be in school for the security of the children, putting a job on teachers they’re not supposed to be providing, THEN wanting to not pay teachers what they deserve.
We are far more isolated then we were 100 years ago, That and the faux reality of the internet make modern life extremely difficult.