Cog in the Machine

Nothing is going to be the same, but maybe some of that will be fine. On a shallow level, I never want to have to do social hugging and kissing again (except with the 3 people I like the most). I was in a business meeting when someone I never met before went in for the hug, and when I sidestepped it I knew he was

At first I wanted to eye roll at her, but today is Good Cog Day, so I thought, yeah, she’s pissed, and no one is having it easy, even people with husbands who actually do housework and a home with trails. I’m at home working away trying to save my job, while my boyfriend is forgetting to cover his mouth when he

Maybe she and her husband should ask their Orange Friend...wait...what am I thinking? Do they even know what’s going on outside their compound? 

You know what, screw them and their privilege. They left the city to the poors and the olds. I made the decision to stay put because it was the right thing to do. I don’t need to carry my potential germs to my upstate NY family and friends. And now there are Covid clusters in Lake George, the Catskills, etc., so

Last week? That can’t be true. NY is shut down. I’m here and it’s eerie. If it is the Metropolitan Playhouse then it’s shut. NYers are taking this seriously. It’s my friends in the hinterlands who are more in denial.  

Oh he has his rallies. They are his ridiculous press conferences. And his base is eating it up. They don’t give a shit right now, because to them it’s people in the big, bad cities getting clobbered. NYC? Filled with liberals and ‘minorities.’  LA? Filled with liberals who also act! Seattle? Filled with liberals who

There was within me a primal urge to flee, but then I thought about it. Would I stay with family upstate and potentially carry germs with me? Would we rent a house for a ton of money? Get on Amtrak? A Greyhound? The answer then was clear: stay put, here just across the Hudson, hunker down, be socially distant, and

Take no chances, but my manfriend has a cough and had a low grade fever. I freaked. He did the protocol, called the dr., they had him come in, and it turned out to be strep throat. Not fun, but not Covid-19. I thanked god for bacteria. So there is a good chance that they will be sick but w/o Covid-but I agree, take no

But it would be great to see him get really sick and infect his entire awful adult family, especially Donny Jr. (Mom, I’m sorry, I know I’m going to hell now.)

I bought 3 days worth of Wise freeze-dried prepper food, including the pudding desserts. Can’t wait to try out the mac and cheese! Those middle of the night advertisements got to me. Also, wine. Lots and lots of wine. A bottle/night for 2 weeks. Kills germs!

I saw more as using the roles he plays on screen and what they represent as touchstones. Personally I think of him as the new Jack Nicholson, capable of doing some good (with Leo I always think of the environment), then saying/doing something totally bone-headed especially when it comes to women.

I thought the same thing as soon as I read this. I grew up in deer hunting territory, and no hunter who actually wanted venison was going to shoot with an AR15.

That dog sure looks cute, but Call of the Wild traumatized me as a pre-teen—we had to read it in 6th grade, along with that other Jack London delight To Build a Fire. Maybe the prose is spare and amazing, and maybe there’s a message about man, nature, and all that crap, in these stories somewhere, but I have never

There’s a reason in the ‘olden days’ you stayed in the hospital for 5-7 days. I remember in 1968 when my mom had the last of her (wayy many) kids, she was in for a week. They would let you rest, show the ropes for breastfeeding, give you time to heal. For first time moms you’d get bathing lessons. So while there was

Snakes are never ok in my world because I am petrified of them. Therefore, these shoes really scare me and kind of made me gasp. However, as style, they...might be ok...

I know this is dreadful of me, and veers from discussion of his reprehensible existence, but there are ways to die and ways to die. Lung cancer is a really horrifying and horrible way to die. I know if there is a hell I’ll go there for saying this but sometimes people do get the fates they deserve and he deserves this

The evil in his body and soul have finally turned against him. Lung cancer is a truly awful way to go and I don’t feel bad about thinking this is the fate he deserves.

Oh pooh, pooh. Very little kids aren’t going to think any further than “wow! dancing!” and then maybe dance along with gusto. Teens have certainly seen more in the media and in their video games. I’m an old and I thought it was terrific—you could see from the joy on their faces how much fun they were having —though

I didn’t march this year because I’d been so sick with something bronchial for nearly 3 weeks, and I figured I can’t fight if I come down with pneumonia. But equally, the sense of sheer exhaustion you describe is just what I feel. But if they do it next year, I suspect I’ll be there. We might have to be there again

I used Pond’s cold cream every night and have for my entire life. I am OLD. As in well over 55 and I have great skin. The rest of me is falling to pieces. I do get facials, however, and that’s when they tell me I have good skin. So I’m team Pond’s (and team Warren for that matter).