
I agree with you. I can't see them giving the Oscar to J-Law two years in a row, and Mcconaughey has his recent True Detective popularity in his favour.

Now playing

I miss American Dreams. It was one the only things I ever like Brittany Snow in, and the Theme Song was amazing.

Meh. Sometimes I enjoy it, sometimes I don't, but it's just never something that I care about enough to initiate myself.

I've noticed quite recently that in all of my relationships, I have never been the one to initiate sex. I would be quite happy in a sex-less relationship. I don't think that it's a libido issue, because I masturbate quite frequently, but having actual sex with another person doesn't really intrigue me.

In my experience, passengers on public transport are the worst sort of bystanders. A few years ago, I was robbed between stations in a half-empty subway car by a guy with a knife. He took my phone, my wallet, and ripped a necklace from my neck. There was a good 60 seconds between stops, and not one person intervened.

Those Instagram comments...

When did Seth Rogen get to attractive?

Research consistently shows that spanking doesn't work. It just doesn't. The American Psychological Association even holds that children who are spanked are more likely to exhibit aggressive and/or antisocial behavior, and even mental health problems later in life. I just don't understand how anyone can justify

Spot on. This is probably going to go over the heads of the white middle-class millennials living in the outer boroughs that make up a large part of the Gawker-media readership.

waaaaahhh ;(

Sad Stitch is heartbreaking :(

I saw it on Facebook this morning; I don't have the source though.

When Jim Henson died, I played Rainbow Connection non-stop for a week and wouldn't leave my dorm. :(

Beautiful article, Tracy. I didn't realize until yesterday that Ramis had a hand in pretty much every single one of my favourite comedies. He really was one in a million, and he will be missed.

These politicians don't give a fuck either way. The only thing they care about is securing votes. They're probably only "changing their minds" now because they realize how the backlash might affect them come election day. Cry me a fucking river.


This is her story; not yours, not mine. I completely get where you're coming from, but belittling her recovery hurts more than helps.

Yup. It's a vicious cycle.

True. Even the most vehement anti-choice women aren't as chickenshit as this guy. You'd never hear one of them use the language he does.