
He's probably going to come out with a statement differentiating between "good" mothers who choose to give birth and those dastardly "hosts", which I'm sure is akin to baby-killers in his book.

Take it up with the actual documented research.

One of the biggest issues here is that how a woman looks is so intrinsically tied to her standard of living. Better looking women have better jobs, more friends/romantic prospects; the better you look, the better you're treated. Who wouldn't stress over that?

Thanks! I read that first paragraph quickly, and I must have missed that.

They sided WITH the student and still did nothing?! They are literally excusing rape (edited: sexual assault).

I don't know; I'm pretty shocked. I thought they had a good open marriage arrangement going on. She was pretty vocally defensive of the Miley performance and the scandalous pictures.

I'm with you. Six months ago, I watched my devastated aunt take my eight-year old cousin off of life-support because of injuries she sustained in a car accident cause by a jack-ass who decided to get behind the wheel drunk.

George Takei is a BAMF.

Doug, are you trying to reignite the Cake Wars? Because if so, I approve! #TeamPie

In America, figure skating is a rich-person's sport. You could have gold-medal worthy athletes among your population who will never have the means or the opportunity to try.

The first letter-writer just sounds petty. I'm sure her "mentor's" friends feel the same way about her. She sounds like the type of person that I'd want to avoid at parties.

Ed Sheeran just got so much more attractive. A fan of cats AND Sherlock?

Can we not with the tagline "Pedorazzi" please? I applaud ET for this, and I love that Kristen and Dax are spearheading this campaign, but using "pedo" as a prefix just minimizes that actual crime of pedophilia. The people taking pictures of celebrity children are scumbags, but insinuating that they are pedophiles is

There's a lot that I don't understand about America, but I can't even comprehend how this is an actual thing that could happen.

B.J. Novac was the hottest man on that show.

All I got from this is Bette Midler is playing the Oscars. This means I actually have to tune in this year instead of following the highlights on twitter.

She's a fucking national treasure.

Of course she's the victim in this whole scenario. Not the people whose privacy she violated or even the child murder victim whose phone she hacked in the middle of a police investigation. It's all a big conspiracy because people don't like her political views.

She is so on point here. For someone so ridiculously smart and funny, I don't understand why she is with Jason Sudeikis, who I've heard is kind of a jerk.

I can almost picture Fox News trying to figure out how to report on this. On one hand, the shooter fits into their "angry black man" narrative. On the other, the victim was a black teenager so she must have been doing something "thuggish" to deserve it.