I’m a Marine veteran. Fuck this opportunistic clownshoe.
“Donald Trump is intensely loyal. He will never let you down.” - Donald Trump’s third wife
still in a public beta phase
You don’t think you missed your connecting flight because your first flight was either delayed on departure from the origin or arrival at the connection?
It’s code for “PS this is a place outside New York City”.
You guys! My friend’s seven year old daughter wrote Obama because she was upset about people abandoning animals at animal shelters. SHE GOT A LETTER FROM HIM YESTERDAY! A real letter! With a real signature! It wasn’t just a form letter - he acknowledged the things she said in her letter and agreed that, yes, we need…
“So if you had a dysfunctional home life 20 years ago and someone called police,”
What a thoroughly pointless humblebrag.
I guess it’s only a matter of time before an actual one in a million case comes up...
Funny how it never actually helps.
Obama was in office during the Johnson Administration? He has aged better than I thought.
He has literally hundreds of legal opinions you can read. He has been a federal judge for 19 years on one of the most influential courts in the world. As a liberal he is not my ideal nominee but in no way would I describe him as a conservative. Your comment is completely ignorant and likely so are you.
Do you know much about Samuel Alito? His parents would have filibustered to prevent his birth.
Author here (IN THE GREYS). A couple points. First, then-Senator Obama’s support for a filibuster was based on his gripes with Justice Alito’s ideology. So far, it looks like any GOP filibuster would be based on...running out the clock on any nominee regardless of their beliefs. It’s OK for senators to disapprove of a…
My favorite part of political discourse is when those clearly lacking any understanding of the most basic concepts of civics inform everyone on the intricacies of Constitutional scholarship in between slurps of their Big Gulp.