
FYI, the red star rating you see on a Netflix movie is NOT the average user rating all the viewers have given it. It’s the star rating they ASSUME you would give it based on your past ratings, what you’ve watched, and the ratings other people who watched similar things gave it. So they basically use an algorithm that

Anyone who uses the word “cuck” seriously like you should be shipped to Siberia to die a lonely cold death.

Yes, the “alt-right” is an offshoot of libertarians, who were already mostly young white men anyway.

In Western civilization people generally have access to dentists and ProActive, ugh that ugly fuck.

Oh give me a fucking break. Marrying a black woman doesn’t magically make him ~not racist~. He’s just like every single one of those other assholes. The minorities in their lives are the GOOD ones, and not like those OTHER ones out there with their welfare and drugs.

Did it really take Pokemon Go to get you to go outside? jfc Kotaku living up to its reputation.

shut up you fucking disgusting piece of shit. Other Muslims hate Daesh most of all. They’re the ones who are getting killed by the millions.

It is a thing in the US. It’s just that tourists all over the world are dumb in other places.

You should jump off a fucking bridge with your legs chained to a brick.

Go ahead, make a joke, because you can’t refute the facts that guns are used for no reason other than to kill living things and anyone who owns one is likely a dickhead?

In China people stab each other. And the stabees rarely ever die.

Eh, this dude once dragged his wife down the street by her hair. dude can rot in hell everyone involved probably had anger issues.

Let’s see what these yokels would do if someone insisted they do a Muslim prayer before these redneck events.

Shhh, these people are dumb. Why are you even trying?