
There’s a reason it’s born-rich, legacy types that always think the poor are going to be entitled if you give them free stuff: projection!

The Alabama GOP will be suing the tornado for unlawfully removing the statues of Lee.

“My nieces and nephews are people of color,” he cried.

There’s an interesting article on AOC and her line/s of questioning. Apparently each Member is ‘given’ a question to ask of the person testifying. They’re ‘given’ this by the Committee Staff. (Presumably this is done for both parties: each Member is given their question by Cttee Staff of their own party.)

I could write volumes about this . Where I live the State had a gorgeous piece of property with an old mental hospital in the center of downtown . I have no doubt that Developers were involved with what happened next. They built a new facility in the hinterlands that failed Federal evaluation twice but oh now there is

It’s frustrating, I know, you’d rather just try to shake some sense into them.

Every thing about this story makes me sad. I also really want to know if the dog is okay. 

Thank you so much. I’ll try.

Thank you for posting this! That was an interesting and useful read. 

This is how I speak to the Foxies. Stay really cool and say, firstly, Is that true? Are you sure? That doesn’t sound right. If they insist, again very calmly, Are there statistics? Where can I read them? Is there evidence? Where? Do you personally know anyone who’s done this? Sometimes when they recite some anecdote

I was also going to direct you to the Guttmacher site. In addition to the stats on when abortions occur, only 1.3% after 21 weeks, they have some interesting stats on whose having abortions. For instance 13% are evangelical Christians, 24% are Catholics. Combined that’s only 1% more than the 38% of women who claim no

This was written by a Maternal-Fetal Medicine MD I know (I want to give her credit, but don’t want people hunting her down and harassing her):

I find I don’t much care about anything, either. Kids are over-rated, mine all moved away and cut off contact. The pain of that is unbearable, and I try to keep my mind away from that.

I wish I had some wise words. You’ve reached out to us and that means something. Please take good care. Your life is valuable and you are valued.

I just don’t care about anything

If the thyroid is involved, that could be having an effect on your weight and hair, and pcos, could possibly be doing something to your hormones, which could be causing the acne, and both together could be factors in your general stress. If this is the case, these should be treatable, which would be great news.

Have you considered talking to your doctor? This lack of pleasure in anything can be symptomatic of low-grade, chronic depression, and in many cases it can be treated. Alternatives to medical treatment can be meditation and exercise.

Oh damn. I hope you see brighter skies soon 

I’m not suicidal, I just don’t care about anything. I don’t want kids. I don’t care about my job, or any other job I could do. The only thing worse than being single is being with someone else. I mostly go through life occupying myself with videogames and drinking to avoid thinking about my own existence because I

This right here. Mandy is a perfect example of not forgiving someone (or I don’t get the sense she has) but not being mired in hate and anger either. She’s very empirical about the whole thing, and I admire her for it.