anyone understand why she has to remain in prison until august, though?
anyone understand why she has to remain in prison until august, though?
I never said he wasn’t asleep - I actually outlined something that is unique in cases of abused women murdering men, that they receive much harsher penalties because their crimes are so incomprehensible to more ‘rational’ people (and juries).
Except it’s common for abuse victims to kill while their perpetrator is sleeping - partly because they have to build up the nerve, and also because it’s safer for them. When you’ve experienced the kind of systemic, humanity breaking abuse that Brown would have gone through, you think mostly about survival - so yeah,…
Self-defense is *never* a crime. I hate that they said that. It’s just a lie.
She’s been in prison for a decade but as a condition of her release let’s throw in another 50 hours of community service....
Oh, I’ve got their community service RIGHT HERE.
Right? Rather than “horrific crime” it should be characterized as “courageous act of self preservation in the face of terror while still a CHILD."
Why is she being released in August? Why is she not being released NOW? She shouldn’t have been in prison to start off with; an additional 8 months is unreasonable. LET HER OUT NOW.
Yeah no shit, why the hell does it take 8 months to let her out, you know how much shit can go wrong in 8 months in prison?
This is good news, though I wish it were better. Poor woman deserves to be out NOW.
Brown will be released on August 7
Why the fuck would you not try a sex-trafficked minor as a juvenile right out of the gate?
And if I were any of those celebs, I’d be telling them off on social media for trying to use me, without compensation, to help sell their crapola.
Good for Cuthbert, who hopefully will get some other gigs out of this (I have sympathy for any model or actor/actress trying to make it in that ultra-competitive business).
This is why the worst of woo-woo medicine is making a comeback. Sure, that box of all the essential oils is $300, but you’ll be able to treat your family for everything from warts to cancer! When a single 10-minute checkover by a doctor can run $400, you see why so many people are looking for “alternatives.”
WTF. It would cost less to pay someone double minimum wage to drive to the nearest Target and buy a huge box of polka-dot printed band-aids than they are charging for a single one. If that isn’t enough to start a revolution I don’t know what the fuck is.
My concern is how do I know when I’m being overcharged? Three bills from three people and I can’t even figure out who’s charging me for what, much less if they’re charging the right amount. It’s a system ripe for fraud.
Medical billing is almost as big of an industry as actually performing medicine.
We all know that they have all these pricing formats negotiated with every insurer, they should have to release every single one in plain language.
SINGLE-PAYER! This is just fucking madness.