Jinni!!! What a perfectly wonderful beginning to 2019 to see you back here!
Jinni!!! What a perfectly wonderful beginning to 2019 to see you back here!
I appreciate your gracious words, Lonicera, and take them to heart. Any goodness you perceive is merely reflection of your own sweet soul and gentle perception.
Hear, hear!
Drugstore glasses went missing in like August. I worry about her too. Pretty much 75% of my follow people have disappeared.
Put your airplane oxygen mask on first, then help others, makes sense to me. Get healthy first, then reevaluate your options?
You’re alright, jaspercat.
And for those of us who are decidedly “down spectrum,” an unsolicited a/o unexpected hug, even from a non-stranger, most often has an idiosyncratic effect, e.g., I go very rigid and usually feel a strong urge to bite.
And to you, Phoebe. May it be a year of wonders. 🔆 All love.
Hi, goddess! 🎈All the best to you in 2019, my dear.
Yes; it has been a while. And I thank you for the welcome. 💛
Thanks. I just needed to put it out there into the world. I know what I need to do- avoid him as best I can.
Ugh I hate the holidays. Every year they remind me that I don’t have any family and also don’t have any friends. New Years is a massive bummer when you don’t have any invites. I’m not even new in town, im just terrible at connecting with people. I think I’m a nice person, and I try really hard to make others happy,…
JINNI! What a great New Year’s surprise!
Last Spring, I had one of those destined, magical, sparkly meetings with a man. But...he was inaccessible. It was a very LA story, you see. I saw him many times after this and it was always like that, a click, a big spark, lots of mutual staring and smiling but nothing else. I last saw him a few weeks ago and he’s…
For the most part this was the worst Christmas of my life. But I gotta tell ya, reading a lot of your comments really was heartwarming. I’m sorry for those of you who are suffering and posted about it here. I can truly empathize. Jezebel is the only place that I have been able to bare my heart and soul regarding my…
I adore Peter Gabriel and I love that you posted this. (Also, hey you!)
jinni!!!! See! Just like hope, when you think you’ve lost something, it suddenly comes back when you need it most!