Yeah, I’m typically the weird person giving kids crafting supplies, books, or science-based toys.
Yeah, I’m typically the weird person giving kids crafting supplies, books, or science-based toys.
Same on the childlessness. If I had kids, they'd be getting Lego and other learning games.a
I neither want nor have kids, thank God. I find slime quite disgusting on its own and am more than glad I don’t have someone calling on me for one that poops the substance.
So Hannukah’s over, and my lil one ended up getting a Scruff-a-luv and a Pomsie. She loved cleaning and caring for the Scruff-a-luv, but honestly, I haven’t seen it since. The Pomsie, she played with to no end (her joy or our frustration - it’s like a Furby you hold) with the first night... again, I haven’t seen it…
Look at the picture that opens this very article.
I mean, if he’s really so envious, he’s more than welcome to die.
The problem is traffic jams, and you’re wondering why they want/need more roads?
He is the worst aspects of American capitalism personified.
I think he can’t read. Seriously, I think it’s a strong possibility.
I’m so torn between the obvious sense and sensibility of this, and the shoddy logic that affects parts of it. By even mentioning them, I become at best a concern troll, or perhaps something much worse. If you support a good position with poor logic, how much of it can be wrong before it becomes a bad argument? I…
Emphasis mine.
let's not throw fat people under the bus just to insult the president. there's plenty wrong and bad about trump that we don't have to resort to such bigotry.
So frustrating that the two opposing viewpoints here seem to be “how do we best preserve and protect this important archaeological site, as to which much is still unknown” vs. “how do we best monetize the big rocks that tourists love to stare at?” And the second one wins because the people who hold that viewpoint are…
ok, 2 things
My biggest disappointment about Trump’s funeral is that he’ll be too dead to know how sparsely attended it was compared to his predecessors.
Ladies and the gentlemen, the Pettysdent of the United States.
Hillary and Jimmy looked like they were going to make some VERY catty remarks under their breath just then. Jimmy’s probably thinking about his peanut farm that he had to give up.
I agree with you.
If you believe that animals can feel pain and are aware of what is happening around them, and you are a feminist, then it probably would be a good idea to examine if your version of feminism has a boundary. I discovered that my form of feminism extends to female animals beyond any typical human application, and that…