
To quote Alannis Morrisette, “Thank you India!”

Oh, is that Ivanka’s new book? ;-)

Your critical self-reflection kinda only proves my point, though. And your sensitivity to negative feedback. If I could, I’d give you some sort of talisman to protect you from any meanies when you log on in the mornings!

Honestly, I wish I could find some sociologist who studies the psychology behind racism and tell them all my stories. I lived with a very vocal racist until I left for college, and then, years later, I started asking him pointed questions and probing his mind whenever he said racist stuff. I feel like I have something

Thank you. If I lived in Missouri, I’d be tempted to just follow every POC that I meet and videotape their every move with my cell phone just in case they get messed with. Not sure that would make them feel comfortable either! Maybe we should fund a bodycam project for citizens instead of policemen.

Except you, jinni. I’m not a frequent commenter, but I’ve lurked on Jez for many years, and you *always* write with wisdom and kindness. Many’s the time I wish I knew you personally, and that’s not something I think often... maybe for goddessoftransitory, maybe also veggietart, drugstoreglasses... can’t think of

This answers a question I’ve secretly been wondering about all my life: when I (I’m white) smile at black or brown people in public, I’m trying to convey that I’m an “ally” (to use the most recent “woke” terminology). I wonder whether I come across as condescending or pitying or insulting somehow. I’ve always done it,

I read your list as “hot water, socks, and bandanas.” I think I’ll go take a nap.

May I chime in on this argument? A branch of my extended family was involved in BDSM-related business, and my own personal observation was that the men are very, very, very misogynistic and take advantage of “damaged” women both sexually and as de facto indentured servants, all in the name of “helping” them “get back

Yeah, I was thinking “I’m gonna boycott this company,” then I realized I already do!

Because white racist men like my dad would notice it right away and complain. My dad went ballistic when he saw a billboard that depicted a white waiter serving a black businessman. The stories I could tell....

Hey! Kushiro! Come back to us, buddy....

I’ve fallen for that so many times in the past — the troll who asks an “innocent” question just to provoke a bunch of more or less tolerantly-worded, detailed explanations about why bad thing is bad. I’m not sure why it delights them so much. Too bad they don’t ever read and learn from all the answers.

They’re a team, so naturally they should dress alike. Whose pants and shoes should they all wear?

I’ve also tried all the drugs and they did nothing for me (except add 30 pounds to my body that I’ve never been able to lose). I’m starting to consider TMS or ECT — looking into insurance, psychs who offer it, etc. Of course there are hundreds of hoops to jump through, and, being depressed, I’m not great with hoops.

Why is it so *sweaty*?!!!

That link gave me a 404 error.

My orchestra is playing “The Hut on Chicken Legs” this season! I just looked it up on YouTube this morning, so when I saw this article, I was like “okay, seriously, all this personalized marketing is getting rather invasive.”

The longer you go between visits to the riverbank, the less oil your body will produce.

The first line sounded like Fiona Apple! Also, her backup singers’ mics weren’t working.