
Good ramble. I, too, can’t fathom how people could possibly think that Trump is doing or saying anything strategically. Every sentence I’ve heard him say sounds like something you’d hear in an argument on an elementary school playground. I totally get the way he thinks... because that’s how I used to think when I was

I’m just learning Lightroom and Photoshop, so I’ve been watching a lot of how-to videos on Youtube. Soooo many mostly-naked ladies! Like, we can’t demonstrate white balance on a regular person wearing clothes!!! It doesn’t work on them!!!

Maybe you’re joking, but that was my first thought! I understand there’s some lens distortion/perspective stuff going on, but she’s just not baby-shaped!

All so true! And interviewers let him get away with it! I just stated above that interviewers should follow his empty claims with “Can you give me an example?” and see what happens. (Also, I tried to star your comment, but the number went down instead of up — what’s up with that?)

I think all Trump interviewers should follow his statements with “Can you give me an example?” And then hold him to it. And watch him implode.

I thought that “New Scotland Yard” was what they call their headquarters in London?

You sound informed, but it would be interesting if you had any statistics regarding the non-white managers being racist (I think no one’s shocked that they would be equally sexist).

You should embroider that on a pillow and sell it on Etsy!

You could get one of those stools that are advertised in the commercial in which the unicorn poops rainbow ice cream into cones (I think). It lifts your feet up, so your knees are above lap height, and that makes it easier somehow (I dunno, watch the commercial. Unicorns = science).

I got 30 tons per year, 58% better than average. But I guessed wildly on a couple of things (utility bills mostly). However, we’re planning to sign up for community solar as soon as I get the form printed somehow — our printer is broken and they don’t have an online process to sign up(!). We’re pretty radically green

Heartsick, indeed. Thank you for writing this. Now if only we could get climate-change deniers to read... well, anything.

Wait... I take that back. The neck wrinkles are in the exact same place in both photos. That’s a positive ID, right there.

If the person on the left showed up at a 10-year reunion looking like the person on the right, I would call shenanigans. No one could convince me it was the same person.

Wow! Those two photos side by side... as Bobby said, “Can you believe an A-list celebrity was able to do something this major this privately?”

I didn’t think it was her. Looks like Megan Fox mated with Christy Turlington.

Selena vs. Francia: Who wore it best?

Hillary mentioned that when her campaign pledged to do something, his campaign would just pledge to do it “more.” He had no stats, no numbers, no concrete plans to back up his promises. It sounds like he may be doing the same thing with this single payer proposal.

Yeah... shouldn’t we be talking about that some more? That’s the first I’d heard of it! She said something like 28 states had signed on? Scary indeed.

Strange that you heard “arrogant and stubborn” while I heard “friendly and open.” Strange that you blame her “smart” approach for the election catastrophe. Strange that you call an explanation an “excuse.” And... they didn’t even ask her about the Rust Belt.

It’s not that he doesn’t understand singular/plural agreement; it’s just that he forgot what he was typing about by the time he got to the verb. (Also he doesn’t understand singular/plural agreement.)