
Mine says “Arugula.”

If you’re 37 and haven’t had a craving for kids yet, you very, very likely never will. And that’s very okay!

When Elizabeth Bennett is playing tug-of-war with the Irish wolfhounds outside Darcy’s bathroom window in the BBC Pride & Prejudice.... <3

Sounds like you do a lot more housework than I do! Is your relationship with your wife well-balanced in the division of chores, employment, child care, in relation to your respective capacities? Maybe she could be a little lenient about pushing in the chairs, for instance? My husband leaves cabinet doors open all the

Doesn’t sound like any run-of-the-mill injury. Doctor time for you, stat!

Are you in a detached home or multi-family building? Are you surrounded by concrete or forest? Subtropical or Arctic climate?

I know a lot of conservatives... I might just copy/paste this and make an anonymous email account and send it to them!

They don’t need as much willpower, because they’re only overcoming the “working out” hump, while people who are overweight are overcoming the “working out while being stared at disapprovingly” hump, whether real or imagined.

Everyone there (except the royals on their shaded balcony) must be absolutely miserable. Why put people through this every year??? You’d think that after the first few occasions of soldiers fainting, they’d think “hmmm, kinda brings the party down a bit” and move the event to a cooler month... or indoors... or not at

I’m pretty sure there’s nothing on Earth that isn’t advancing faster than dentistry.

If it helps, when I see overweight people at a gym, I just admire them for their incredible willpower. Not kidding. (I lack willpower and have let many gym memberships lapse.)

Trump wouldn’t say it to inferior peons like Apprentice contestants. Junior said it himself that Trump is very direct when he commands his children and underlings. Trump said it to Comey because he’s intimidated by him as someone in a position of power to hurt him.

The “With Friends like These” podcast went into detail about the similarities between the Comey/Trump situation and sexual assault victims/perpetrators. It’s midway through the episode “Justice is a Mechanical Duck.”

Sincere thanks!

It also scares us away from participating in peaceful protests because we never know if we’ll be next.

While some of us don’t recognize the gif and so don’t get the joke. :-(

For voters, certainly not, but for potential leaders? Don’t we need to know if they’re minimally competent for the job? How about if we just ask them to list all of the states, countries, oceans, periodic table elements, plants, animals, minerals, languages, and a ton of other general knowledge stuff, and then at

Shouldn’t there be some sort of test to weed out idiot candidates before elections? American history, civics, general knowledge, something?!? Has this never been proposed?

“They just say the weirdest shit that makes you realize that they do not have access to other people who aren’t crazy.”

As someone who has never played a video game (except Atari Frogger and Pitfall in the ‘80's), everything you just wrote absolutely mystifies and also kind of frightens me. But I’m very glad that you advocate for saving the little sisters instead of killing them, poor things. “Pure Adam” sounds kind of nauseating.