Genghis Con

This is gonna get worse in the coming weeks. Which means we will see some videos of people getting tired waiting for the toasters to maneuver the parking lot, and angry drivers telling Tesla drivers what kind of asstards they are.

why speculate? Ford’s got you covered. from there press release:

Hamilton is a whiny little bitch. This is par for the course for him. Honestly I’m surprised Vettel hasn’t piped up too - the pair of them are like two highly strung turbos they whine so much.

In other words: he’s worried his talent might let him down since the car might not be as all-conquering as his current one. 

In theory, though in practice those laws have serious issues. Even under the Obama administration there were some really troubling trends on whistleblowers, and even at their worst there was nowhere near the level of malice and vindictiveness in that administration.

What are you doing on a car enthusiast blog? 

asshatmobile is pointlessly destroying the environment

I usually head for the back just to minimize the possibility of door dings. Although it doesn’t matter anyway, as I can be the only car within a 5 block radius when I park, when I come back there’s inevitably someone parked right next to me.

unless that shade drips sap...

He’s not so much “bad” as he is a fucking idiot.

i did a dumb and got hurt and it's everyone's fault but mine!

Bernie has pushed the conversation left and forced those who take the money of rich donors over the concerns and hopes of the people defend their actions. That is the gold standard. We need sweeping progressive reform and we needed it decades ago. The “slow rollout” of change hinted at by the centrists is long past

The response from WFP is basically, “How dare you question how this all went down when our leadership is [insert identity groups here]? Oh, and by the way, internet randos are getting all up in our mentions, so it looks like this answers any and all questions about the vote tallies!”

Justin’s true character is not the handsome shiny liberal he would have us believe. This fall has been coming for quite some time. This has been seen in his policies towards indigenous peoples for a while now. Google his environmentalist ‘policies’, or his complete reversals of his own words in his executive

He’s claimed her pretty well. The larger photo shows his other hand on her belly. Is she one of his students?  You should definitely reconsider what you think you know of Trudeau if you have a positive opinion. Guy is a swarmy scumbag.

This is very unsettling and alarming. It’s hard to chalk this up to his love of playing dress up. And his hand placement is not ok. I’m reconsidering everything I thought I knew about Justin.

Lmao wtf is brownface?

True colours. Justin talks a good game but that’s about it. The dirty little secret in Ottawa for years now is how in private Trudeau is no where near his public persona. He’s not the modern feminist, diversity darling image that’s been sold to the voters. The power is not the leader with the nice hair and smile it’s

“Honestly, I want to be friends with these teens. Stealing is wrong but daring, complex heists are incredibly badass, and I bet these kids are fun to hang out with. I hope they turn their lives around and become respectable citizens, or unstoppable master criminals”