
Ahhh the Cone of Silence, one of many great inventions from CONTROL.  (That and the Shoe Phone) 

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Psssssh.. thats the bad version of COPS anyway. This was the best version of COPS.

It’s like if someone left an alienware computer out in the sun too long.

Games look great! The system reminds me of a router for some reason.  The controller is pretty great. 

GIVE US DIP SWITCH ACCESS YOU COWARDS!!! Seriously though... or at least a way to turn the difficult settings down for the people who aren’t good at theses games. Other than that, can’t wait to get one of these machines. :D

Honestly what does it matter anyway? Most of these major stores are run by business scum? Sure you can boycott Amazon but seriously what are you alternatives? Walmart? Target? Alibaba? Walmart are run by people who barely even care about their workers and Alibaba reports to the Chinese gov. I have nothing against

Not to disagree with the state here, but seeing my wife deal with patient after patient I semi disagree with the NYC report.  They keep sending people to nursing homes and most of these “secondary” hospitals are pretty overwhelmed still I mean My wife has to take care of 13 patients to 30 something patients sometimes.

As a dark skin asian person, I am defiantly look down upon in countries such as China and Korea. Over there, being as white as possible is the beauty standard over there. So the whiter you might be the more beautiful you’re considered. It’s actually pretty annoying. Even worse is everyone sort of judges you behind

Awww you didn’t post the best (worst) one!

I am not against any of the outrage that is shown here in the US (In fact I stand with and sympathize with the people), but does it really do any good when you’re burning down other minority owned business? Look at what happened to the Korean community during 1992 riot’s in LA, cops didn’t even defend them, they had

Didn’t they do something like this in the 90s but for a new Street fighter character or am I mistaken? I can’t remember anymore lol. 

Wow that intro... Made me feel like I live in that movie They Live.  

Iroha is not a new character. She’s like, I think one of three women characters (Mina and Shiki, to a certain extent)that fall under the fan service characters in this series. Honestly Samurai Shodown doesn’t have a lot of fan service characters within the series to begin with. Is she problematic in regards to

I always thought that SIMP stood for “Squirrels in my pants” 

The Switch is now the 7th best selling Nintendo consoles of all time. It beats out the life time sales of the Wii U (obviously), Game Cube, N64 and even the SNES. In fact the Switch alone beats out the combined sales of the the Game Cube and N64. What’s even crazier is that it managed to outsell the Xbone’s life

The only one (Zaibatsu) I can think of is the one Heihachi Mishima is suppose to give away at the Tekken tournaments. lol

I mean or we can fine them and make tougher restrictions on cruises, forcing them to overhaul and pay their far share of taxes. Create laws to force them to pay their employees a fair wage. Perhaps even give them incentives to makes sure they keep a low carbon footprint into the areas they are sailing, and or

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I really enjoyed Rebel Assault II, mainly cause it was a decent game and had pretty awesome live action sequences for back in the day... not sure how well they hold up now but I use to love playing it. (PC version)

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Well I more curious to how these Giant Hornets would fare against the angry Africanized American Honey bees. I wonder who would win in a fight, seeing how typically like 30 of these hornets would decimate like 30,000 bees.

That was great! I liked it as much as the last one that was done. Keep them coming!